Dr. Mike Yeadon's censored address to the Members of UK Parliament (Dec 4, 2023)

1 year ago

Dr. Mike Yeadon wrote on his channel: This is my censored speech for use in Andrew Bridgen’s event.
There must have been two technical errors, because they had my recording several days ago & the confirmed that playbook was working.
Peter McCullough was intending to present by video link, eg Zoom.
It’s not believable that both link & local playback failed.
I do not believe.

Why didn’t they want me to speak?

I’m the only one who says:
1. There’s been no pandemic, no medial emergency. Therefore rushing a novel technology “vaccine” at the public was malign. All the “countermeasures” also had malign intentions.
2. The alleged vaccines were toxic by design, not accidental. Intentionally harmful.
3. I outlined the obvious endgame.

That’s why I am unwelcome everywhere.

Best wishes

Source: https://t.me/s/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel


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