those dang algorithms on Instagram

1 year ago

The only time I use Instagram is when I'm talking to my daughter or someone that I personally know I now will not use Instagram on a public forum because of the harassment they are discriminating against people that have ADHD autism and even elderly people over 55 it's getting to the point that it's ridiculous and they pick and choose who they want on there and then they come after the other ones and then they shut off the sound so no one can talk it's childish behavior and it's part of the algorithm and is part of the AI process including what is going on with Facebook and unfortunately Mark Zuckerberg that is immature and has hired a bunch of amateur morons to run the place That's why there's problems with Instagram and until that's dealt with nobody's going to be able to enjoy being there and that's very sad because it seemed to be a pretty nice place to start out

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