Dr Malone - covid injections safety and efficacy - UK Parliamentary hearing 4th Dec '23

1 year ago

On the 4th December 2023 UK Andrew Bridgen arranged a Parliamentary hearing on the safety and efficacy of the covid-19 injections.

Six highly esteemed doctors and scientists were invited to the hearing to speak and give their expert thoughts and advice on what they have discovered from safefy and effictiveness of these notorious injections. This is Dr Robert Malone's testimony.

The evidence is incontrovertibal - a massive crime has been committed as these products are neither safe or effective, and this was well known by those producing and promoting its deployment well in advance of its release.

5.7 Billion people worldwide have been injected with these dodgy products, and millions are now severly harmed and/or dead.

A comprehensive and unbiased investigation needs to be had here with military style tribunals to prosecute all those who were involved - from the manufacturers to those who promoted and those who administered this poison into billions of people.

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