Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 03 - The Ghost with the Most - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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The Holy Ghost is the ghost with the most for my life.
He has more for me that anyone else.
I never lack because He brings the most.
Whatever I need, he has, and He lives inside of me.
The Ghost wit the Most comforts me and He teaches me.
He is my great teacher.
He reminds me of the words of Jesus, He is my great teacher.
This is why I have the mind of Christ, because the Holy Ghost reminds me and He is my great teacher.
He leads me to truth and only brings truth to me, He is my great teacher.
He opens my spiritual eyes to see, He is my great teacher.
My eyes behold my tomorrows for He is my great teacher.
The Holy Ghost shows me and reveals to me my future for He is my great teacher.
The Ghost with the Most gives me power so that I may witness to a lost and dying world. I have His anointing and power to witness to others.

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