David Harvey: A Brief History of Neo-Liberalism & The Financialization of Power | ACC 01-03

1 year ago

A Brief History of Neo-Liberalism & The Financialization of Power

Link to mp3s of the podcast: https://t.me/alexanderkoryagin/234

Prof. David Harvey's pilot episode. A quick history of the rise and growth of Neo-Liberalism. The crash of 2008 challenges Neo-Liberalism. Financial services become part of GDP in the 1970s and legitimize the power of financial institutions.

November 2018 (Season 1 - Episode 01-03)


David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles is a bi-weekly podcast and video series that looks at capitalism through a Marxist lens.

David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles is a Democracy at Work (d@w) production. D@W produces media and live events to expose capitalism’s systemic problems and to show how democratizing our workplaces solves them. We can do better than capitalism!

HOST: David Harvey is the foremost Marxist thinker about political economy and has been teaching Karl Marx's Capital for over 40 years. He currently teaches at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Prof. Harvey has written extensively on the significance of Marx's Capital for understanding contemporary capitalism, and will be presenting this knowledge and more to his podcast audience.


1. A Brief History of Neo-Liberalism, Episode 01
2. Contradictions of Neo-Liberalism, Episode 02
3. The Financialization of Power, Episode 03

#marx #marxism #financialization #neoliberalism #financialisation #anticapitalism #acc #anticapitalistchronicles#davidharvey #daw #democracyatwork

===Links to David Harvey's work:

Link to the full playlist, David Harvey's Anti-Capitalist Chronicles:
a) Democracy at Work: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWvnUfModHP_GhiICpi4fESiEqjIX_oCG
b) Politics in Motion: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQyx6mX9qMzEgFWaz9o_Ofa1pVTMf_CpA

(neither link includes the first three episodes I posted, though)

===Episode Description:

Prof. David Harvey's pilot episode. In this part 1 of 3, he provides a quick history of the rise and growth of Neo-Liberalism. https://www.democracyatwork.info/acc_brief_history_of_neo_liberalism

2. S01 E02 ACC Contradictions of Neo-Liberalism (Nov 2018)
The crash of 2008 challenges Neo-Liberalism. https://www.democracyatwork.info/acc_contradictions_of_neo_liberalism

3. S01 E03 ACC The Financialization of Power (Nov 2018)
Financial services become part of GDP in the 1970s and legitimize the power of financial institutions. https://www.democracyatwork.info/acc_financialization_of_power


[harvey acc 2018 01 03] (Edited and uploaded by Alexander Koryagin, 2023)

I just noticed that the first three episodes of David Harvey's "Anti-Capitalist Chronicles" are inexplicably not on YouTube.

It's actually one larger podcast on the history of Neoliberalism, divided into three parts. Therefore, I merged them into one and uploaded to YouTube for the sake of convenience.

In my estimation, a truly outstanding piece of work by Prof. Harvey, absolutely essential for understanding the basic structure of our contemporary global political and economic situation, not just the US and Europe, but the World as a whole.

Enjoy! 🌸🕉

Introduction to Political Philosophy Course by Alexander Koryagin: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB4w-p0WTsoLGS_z0y63A-LKKgLIcHIx3
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