Blog & Mablog - My Rejoinder to Kevin De Young | Doug Wilson

7 months ago

Blog & Mablog
Dec 4, 2023
My Rejoinder to Kevin De Young | Doug Wilson
So Kevin De Young set off a national conversation with his article "On Culture War, Doug Wilson, and the Moscow Mood." When it dropped, I was in the middle of wrapping up my November posts, and so a response had to wait until today. But I did have enough time to tweet that I thought Kevin’s critique was a responsible critique from a reasonable man, and so I asked all those who thought of themselves as being “in my corner” to respond to him judiciously and in that spirit.
As far as I could see, this is something they largely did—but that did not mean that the responses were not pointed, telling and forceful. I am going to try to do the same. I thank Kevin for this opportunity, and look forward to meeting him as a result of all this.
This response is kind of a beast, but what are you going to do?

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