1 year ago

Recently, as in early December of 2023, Chris Sky went on a rant about how all of us who believe in terrain theory are either part of a huge psy-op that's meant to divide all the truth-seekers or that we're completely stupid f***ing morons, among other things for believing in it.

Under the same breath, Mr UNITED non-compliance told everyone on his Telegram channel that those who believe in terrain theory should delete themselves from his channel which was the same thing that he told all vegans to do (as he insulted them too) a few months back. Gee, that sure will help unite us won't it!?

As he ranted on the topic all he did was to show how little he knows about the topic as everything that he claimed as being germ theory could be explained by the experts on terrain theory but will Mr Know-it-all, Egomaniac ever consider the possibility that he could be wrong? Not a chance!

He also said on video that he'd pay anyone $50,000. cdn if they'd be willing to allow a rabid dog to bite them because he's so sure that rabies is transmitted from dogs to humans via virus and so he's sure that the human would therefore get sick from the bite. There were those who took him up on it and he wouldn't respond to them and he refuses to consider the possibility that people can get sick from the bite of a rabid dog because of something other than a viral transmission.

The bottom line is that I have heard Chris Sky go on rants complete with immature insults in the past and I have never appreciated it, but I have kind of accepted that it takes a rather brash personality to speak out in such a bold manner as he has and that his outbursts come with the type of personality, but for him to boldly and stubbornly proclaim that terrain theory is completely bogus is over the top ignorance and it has crossed the line for what I'm willing to excuse.

BTW - tons of people wrote in on his Telegram page and told him that he's wrong on his presumption, but apparently, we're all idiots and he started making up all kinds of completely inaccurate accusations and claims in relation to terrain theory and those who've spoken up on the topic.

Alec Zeck was trying to set up a debate on the topic with him, but Chris insisted that because it's "obvious" that germ theory is valid because kids clearly (allegedly) contract measles from other kids, and so he didn't care that there has never been proof of isolation and purification of these so-called transmittable viruses and he wouldn't agree to the terms of the debate that Alec wanted put in place.

Because Chris is so sure that germ theory is the only explanation for things like measles going from person to person, he has therefore declared that the case is closed and that he is right.

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