Love John 3:16 12/03/2023

7 months ago

Lord willing over the next few weeks we are going to look at the story of the birth of our Savior…and unwrap the following gifts we have in Him:
Love, Joy, Peace, Holiness, and Hope.
Lord willing, we will celebrate our Christmas service on December 24th with a message on Holiness…something that is missing in the church today.
And Lord willing…our series will culminate on New Years Eve, December 31st with a message of Hope.
Along with this series of messages we will be extending worship and adding more and more Christmas songs to the list throughout the month of December.
Have you ever wondered why Jesus came when He did?
Paul tells us that the time was the perfect time for His arrival…that it didn’t happen by chance…but by appointment.
At that time Jerusalem was under Roman rule…but believe or not…it was the fact that they were under Roman rule…that made it the perfect time.
It was right spiritually, the people were longing for the Messiah to come and set them free from the Romans.
It was right historically, with Rome in charge there was relative peace in the lands it controlled which made travel and trade possible and safe.
Because Rome was ruling…there were well paved roads that spread out from Rome to all the conquered territories.
There was also a common language used for trade called koinonia Greek which most people could speak and understand.
So, a well-connected system of roads…and a common language would all help to spread the message of the gospel.
And because of that it opened the way for many foreign traders to come through Jerusalem…and hear about Jesus and His sacrifice.
It was the right time Biblically, as God had shown the prophet Daniel (9:24-27) the exact day and year that the Messiah would enter Jerusalem.
And that the Messiah would be “cut off,” or killed.
It was the perfect time…and just note…just as His birth happened at the perfect time…His return will also happen at the perfect time.
It was perfect in another way…it was the perfect time for God to show His love for the world!
And that is the reason behind the Christmas story…God’s love for mankind.

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