1 year ago

#adventofchrist #christ
Advent is a time of reflection on the birth of our Savior. We begin with THE ADVENT OF CHRIST. Join Tina as she talks about the first coming of Christ and prepares our hearts for the second coming.
I am Tina Wanamaker gonna be chatting with you a little bit about the advance of Christ the word means the arrival of a notable and the notable person that we are discussing is Jesus what we understand from scripture about the advent the Christ that it was for in advance there are many scriptures that point out becoming the first coming of Christ I'm gonna give you just a few of those the first one is that Jesus is going to be born in this is found in Micah five verse two but you Bethlehem Ephrata though you are little among the thousands of Judah get out of you shall come for me the one to be ruler in Israel See that the coming of Christ is fold but he will be born in Bethlehem this was fulfilled and Matthew chapter 2 in verse one and then we also see that Jesus Christ is going to be born of a virgin this prophecy is found in Isaiah 714 which says therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign the holes the virgin shall conceive embarrass and she'll call his name Emmanuel or God with us the fulfillment of his prophecy and the checker one 26 through 35 and so what we're seeing here is we're seeing that the coming of Christ the advent of Christ it was for 12 in advance it was told in the Old Testament as a prophecy and then it was fulfilled and the new testament and that's what we're looking for in this Christmas Is we celebrate the advent of Christ we celebrate the first coming of Christ one thing to note in this is that there will also be another advent another adventure and this is the second coming of Christ and also it's for in advance prophecy about the second coming of Christ in fact there's so much privacy one out of every 30 verses in the New Testament talks about the second arrival of Christ the first time we know that Jesus came as a baby lonely lying in a manger that he came for the hearts of men and women that he came to bring hope and the second coming it's going to be a different coming this time With judgment so we understand there's a first coming there's a there are two adults of Christ and we can't have one without the other that we've got the first arrival or advent of Christ and then we also have the second coming for advance as well what we understand from scription is that was subjected in hope so here's the hope that we have in Christ that one day creation will be released from the curse that one day Jesus Christ will return the second coming second of Christ and will be released and we will be with him as Thessalonians tells us it says comfort one another with these words that we will be with the Lord for ever Forever and so within the Christmas season we're looking for the advent of Christ that has already occurred for the first coming we look back and we say yes thank you Lord we remember what you did that you came as a human but we also are looking forward to the second adventure price the second coming and the preparation of our hearts right now for this event sometimes people call us the advent season season of Advent the coming the arrival of a notable person in the form of Jesus Christ the Messiah and so often times during this advent season there's a preparation of our hearts for Christmas day the arrival of Christ as a newborn babe but there's also another preparation and that preparation is the preparation of our hearts for the second event of Christ blessing
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