Lindsey “Lady G” Graham has done a complete 180 Frens

6 months ago

Lindsey “Lady G” Graham has done a complete 180 Frens. If you missed it just a few months ago he was salivating over killing Russians in Ukraine while entertaining the billionaire crossdressing installed puppet comedian Zelenskyy.

South Carolina has had enough of Lady G’s shit & all I have to say to that is, It’s About Damn Time.

We’ve seen a huge change since 45+’s rally when Lady G was mercilessly booed off the stage.

Don’t let him off the hook SC. Light that fire & keep it lit. Ride his ass until someone whom truly cares about what the people need/want comes along. It’s frustrating as hell knowing 95% of the Republican Party is either corrupt, compromised, or being blackmailed but that just means until we can get them out we’re gonna have to ride their asses like nobodies business.

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