Dr. Teri Baydar, How To Be A Love Conscious Human

6 months ago

Episode 197 - Hello Health Heroes! Dr. Teri Bayder talks about love consciousness where all synchronicities in life kick in to support us. She shows us how to declutter our lives and emotions and helps us make the types of decisions where positive synchronicities start to happen in our lives. This is where all forms of abundance are possible and start to reveal themselves to us. As I have said before so many of us on this planet believe that money is the only form of abundance but when we view it as such we are literally closing and locking all the other doors in which abundance can come to us. If you want a stress free happy life then learning to “go with the flow” and only finding the benefit for yourself in any given situation is paramount to a happy life.Please like & subscribe to my show for more great inspiration and education so that you can become your own doctor and learn to self heal. And if you know someone that this show could help please share it with them and pay it forward! Love & Light Coach Tim.

To contact Dr. Bayder go to: https://www.loveconscioushuman.com/

Tim’s Favorite, HIGHEST QUALITY Health Product Recommendations:

●  Best Detox & Nutrition Supplements: https://www.chemicalfreebody.com/

●  Best Hydrogen Machine: Tim’s personal unit - CLICK HERE

●  Best Infrared Saunas & Healing Lamps: Tim’s personal unit - Save $100 CLICK HERE

●  Water Purification/Restructuring System: Book FREE Consult CLICK HERE

●  Best Home Air Purification Unit : Tim’s personal unit CLICK HERE

●  Best Non Toxic Home Building Materials: CLICK HERE

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