Tick Tock? Oversight Committee Drops Bombshell About Hunter Biden's Biz Literally Paying Joe Biden

1 year ago

Gosh, this seems pretty important. Especially considering Joe Biden swore he had no dealings with his degenerate, drug-addicted son's businesses. While we're not experts it would seem to us that getting DIRECT PAYMENTS from Hunter Biden's business is ya' know, having 'dealings' with him and his business. Oh, and that he was getting monthly payments? Sounds like it was ongoing 'dealings'. Call us crazy. -- Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco P.C., made DIRECT monthly payments to Joe Biden. Well well well, whadd'ya know? And would you look at that? They brought receipts: https://twitter.com/GOPoversight/status/1731725319298527363

The House Oversight Committee has uncovered evidence that Joe Biden received a recurring payment of $1,380 from his son Hunter’s law firm beginning in 2018, shortly after a bank money laundering officer warned that the same account was receiving millions of dollars in Chinese government-linked funds without “any services rendered.” Sadly, like many of our brilliant readers who pay attention to all of this, we don't expect this to amount to much. Surely the mainstream media will pop up and circle the wagons claiming Joseph was paying back a loan or something else ridiculous… The Oversight Committee has shared a ton of evidence and every time the media shrugs and goes back to shrieking about Trump. Also, the GOP isn't exactly doing much to hold 'The Big Guy' accountable.

• More at: Twitchy - TICK TOCK? Oversight Cmte. Drops BOMBSHELL About Hunter Biden's Biz Literally PAYING Joe Biden

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