Don’t entertain the so-called ‘Apostles in the market place movement’,

1 year ago

.@spiritlifenetwork: By observing the impact of the 'Apostles in the marketplace' perspective - which is based on the Seven Mountains of Influence deception: I have judged the ‘spirit’ behind this movement and I declare that it is not of Christ. Because, whilst it appears to be desirable, its impact on the other hand, has not led the saints, in the way of the LORD and GOD Jesus Christ. Rather than build the ‘outreach to souls for the kingdom’, it is setting up passionate pursuit in Christians to seek in vain the pursuit only according to their natural self-desires. By which time, when many realize, it is already late or caused them a lot of losses and even death.
All ministries are subject to the absolute command of the Holy Spirit. Where to serve, how to serve and where impact can be made. It should not be in accordance to judgements made due to reason of the human mind and predispositions. The Christian call, to make disciples of the Nations, necessitates a pursuit that does not aim ‘at the top’ as it were, but to be in faithfulness wherewith in little (wherever you are at the moment) – afterall, Joseph changed the fortune of Egypt and the Pharaoh from a place in the dungeon where he had been indeed forgotten.
However, the so-called "Apostles in the marketplace movement" is a movement that encourages Christians to supposedly integrate their faith into their careers and businesses. Intrinsic in this view is the pursuit of worldly things, which is opposite the command that Christ gave to every disciple “Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom and everything shall be added unto you.
The very principle of having to add your faith into your career and business, does not make any sense whatsoever for a person, whose life is hidden in Christ, in God. A Person who is dead to self, and alive to God. A Person who walks in the Spirit as well as lives in the Spirit.
One of the characteristics of being a Christian is this “The life you live is no longer ‘you’ that is living, but Christ that lives in you.” And if this is true, then, what pursuit is there on the Earth that is not already based on the choices made, according to the instructions of the Holy Spirit – requiring then, for an integration.
In great error, the likes of which compare in proportions with the ‘garden of Eden’; these market place ministry advocates, point to biblical examples such as Nehemiah, and Daniel, on the claim that these men, were all successful businessmen who also played significant roles in God's plan for the world. These claims are not true, at all. They are reading their own meaning into the text, because these men in context were not trying to integrate their faith into their work.
The place of function for every Christian in their work of ministry, has to be with - all you have - and - with all your heart -, seeking to honour His divine command.
1. This may include abandoning offers, opportunities and pathways that may lead you to the top any industry in society;
2. This may involve requiring you to abandon a relocation to ‘greener pastures’ but to serve the Saints in a resource poor setting;
3. This may involve you to make sacrifices and take risk for the excellency of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ;
4. This may involve a separation from loved ones, or a service that prevents you from having a family, from being available as an active member of your family

All-in-all, they must all be at his command, for the time and moment.
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