10 ANCIENT Places Unearthed

6 months ago

"From the perplexing ancient metropolis of Meroe, to the baffling recent discoveries in Bolivia, these are 10 ANCIENT PLACES UNEARTHED


10.Elephanta Island

Elephanta Island is located near modern day Mumbai, and it features some of the most intricate cave designs in the world.

The complex can be dated back to the 5th century, and the primary use for the location was Hindu Worship.

So where is the mystery you might ask? Well, there is absolutely no evidence left over by the builders. Not a single inscription can be found on the island, and it has been common word around the area that the caves are not “man made”.

Officially, the elephanta caves are “of unknown date and attribution”

Judging by the elaborate designs, and painstaking detail in the sculptures, it was no small project.

Legend states that the Pandavas, the heroes of the Indian Epic Mahabharata were the ones who built the caves as a place for worship.

Kumari Kandam

Lets stick around South Asia for just a bit longer, and explore Kumari Kandam. It is the Tamil name given to the purported continent of Lemuria. At one point scientists believed that there was a lost, submerged continent connecting South Asia, Australia and Africa. It was a way to explain the similarities between the regions, even though they were separated by thousands of miles of ocean....

9. Meroe

The desert city of Meroe was a major metropolis of the ancient world, and the capital of the Kingdom of Kush. What made the city flourish was its great location among trade routes, and its proximity to the Nile River.

It is believed that the people of Meroe were expert blacksmith, and their iron was sought after all the way to China. The Kingdom of Kush was strongly influenced by the nearby Egyptians, but the people did use their own language, it has never been deciphered or translated. Because of this, our modern understanding of the great city is substantially hindered....

8.Stone Chambers of New England + Bonus Mystery Hill

Weird stuff appears all over the world, even in the so called new world. This time, we are digging through vast swaths of land in the New England area.

There are approximately 800 stone chambers scattered around the area, some are small and insignificant, and some, like the Gungywamp Complex are elaborate and unsettling....

7.The Plain of Jars

Have you ever seen megalithic “jars” scattered in the thousands over valleys and plains? No? Well such a place does exist. The Plain of Jars is located in Laos, and there are a few theories regarding its origin. The commonly accepted theory being that the stone jars were used as grave sites, buuut...

6.The Sajama Lines

First documented in 1932, the sajama lines are an amazing sight to behold from the air. Covering an area of over 8,700 square miles, these geoglyphs were created over a period of 3000 years....

5. Aphrodisias

Aphrodisias, named after the Greek Goddess of love Aphrodite, is a small, but very beautiful ancient site located in the Anatolia region of Turkey.

Like the name suggests, the city is of greek origin and is renowned for the beautiful marble works scattered around. The region has suffered major earthquakes and he one that occured in the 7th Century is believed to have destroyed the city to a point of no return.....

4. Machu Picchu

One of the best kept secrets after the fall of the Incas was the existence of the majestic Machu Picchu. After their complete destruction by Spanish invaders in the 16th century, it wasn’t until 1911 that the site was “discovered” by the American Archaeologist, Hiram Bingham. But there are reports of other adventurers finding the hidden city in the mountains earlier....

3. Rosh Ha’ayin

Located near Tel Aviv, Rosh Ha’ayin is a small city that holds a lot of ancient secrets. In 2014, archaeologists found a 2,800 year old farmhouse which sported 23 rooms ....

2. Banteay Chhmar Temple

The massive temple at Banteay Chhmar has been shrouded in mystery and is considered as one of the most important Angkorian -age sites (12th - 13th Century) in Cambodia. It is also, one of the largest.

There is no real record of the actual name of the temple, but scholars believe it probably translates to “The Narrow Fortress”, after 100’s of years of, the name now literally translates to the “Citadel of the Cat”.....

1. Tiwanaku Empire

Before the Inca’s were the major players in the Andes, the residing empire was made up of the Tiwanaku People. Not much about them can be stated as complete fact, since we can only interpret what was left over from their cities and religious sites...."

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