Make Sense of the Self-Edit

7 months ago

MetaStellar Magazine's Writing Advice of the Week for December 3, 2023

This year’s National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) has officially come to a close, and what a wild month it was. I hope all of you who participated are proud of what you’ve accomplished. For those who are who may be feeling a bit deflated after NaNoWriMo, I feel you. We all have our methods for coping with a lack of quality writing time. But an ambition to write or edit a book without clear and quantifiable goals and a path to achieve those goals — whatever that looks like for each of us — is just a wish. And wishes don’t write drafts. Getting back on track doesn’t need to come with a headache, though.

Visit MetaStellar Magazine online for speculative fiction, writing advice, videos, and more.

Links Mentioned
Creative Breaths: Finding Your Writing Rhythm:

Self-Editing After NaNoWriMo:

Why Your Draft Doesn’t Make Sense (Plus What To Do About It):

Yes, Virginia, Story Themes Still Matter:

How To Find The Major Dramatic Question Of Your Story:

First Impressions Matter: Effective Front Pages:

7 Creative Ways To Sell More Books: A Comprehensive Guide For Authors:

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