Example Of Hypnosis Standing Induction - Become A Hypnotist Banyan Career Training

1 year ago

https://www.banyanhypnosiscareertraining.com/ -- * WATCH REAL INSTANT HYPNOSIS as Cal demonstrates his own 8 Word Induction in both the standing and sitting positions. He developed this induction to have a instant induction that was effective and could be learned quickly by his students.

* Yes! This is REAL hypnosis. Cal is the “Authority on Hypnosis That Works!” The 8 words are "Press on my hand. Close your eyes. Sleep!" The rest is deepening in order to maintain and deepen the hypnotic depth, plus a little direct suggestion to reward the student for participating in the demo.

* DO NOT ATTEMPT this induction without professional training. The person being hypnotized may fall if you don’t know what you are doing.

* Learn more about becoming a hypnosis professional! My hypnosis & hypnotherapy course is unlike any other certification program! You get everything you need to get started helping yourself and others in the course! PLUS, we have unsurpassed support after graduation.

Information about Cal Banyan's NGH & 5-PATH® IAHP approved “Super-Course”!

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