5G alarm: People in Trento are bleeding from their noses

9 months ago

5G alarm: People in Trento are bleeding from their noses
A resident of the Italian city has published a video showing alarming levels of electrosmog. The mayor was asked to immediately investigate the suspected correlation between the abnormal levels and abnormal bleeding in citizens.
A disturbing video comes from the Italian city of Trento of an apartment resident who lives near a building on which a 5G antenna has been installed. The man explains that the antenna frequencies have recently been increased. He is talking about nosebleeds, which first affected his mother and shortly afterwards himself. According to ComeDonChisciotte, such cases appear to be “multiplying” in the city, Italian news portal ComeDonChisciotte reports .
In the video, a tower with 3G, 4G and 5G antennas can be seen in the distance, and the man measures peaks of 46 V/m on the terrace with a measuring device. The meter exceeds the upper limit of the graphic display and even gives an audible alarm. In the house the values ​​drop to approximately 7 V/m. According to the man it is November 29th.
The journalist Maurizio Martucci wrote on Telegram that this was possible thanks to the abnormal “all'italiana” research of an average of 6 V/m in 24 hours: At night, up to 0.2 V/m would distort the allowed average. He asked:
“Imagine what could happen if the government and parliament were to increase the limits to 15 V/m.”
According to ComeDonChisciotte, councilor Andrea Maschio has asked the mayor of Trento – in his capacity as responsible for the health of the population in his area – to intervene immediately through the president of the municipal council. The APPA (Provincial Environmental Protection Agency) should conduct the necessary technical measurements and investigate the suspected correlation between abnormal electrosmog levels and abnormal bleeding in citizens.
In this context, the portal points out that Trento has been chosen as the next city to host the G7 Summit on Artificial Intelligence. Trento also describes itself as a “smart city”.
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Source: "Willyalfredo"
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