Robert Groden: His 50-Year Quest for JFK Truth

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On November 22, 1963, the day President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot in Dealey Plaza, Robert Groden had just turned 18. That day was his birthday, and he was at home playing hooky from Forest Hills High School in Queens, New York. He sat glued to the television watching the grim saga unfold on television all weekend, like every American.

Since that fateful birthday Groden has devoted his entire life to ferreting out the truth beneath the surface of the bizarre pictures that flashed across his TV screen a half century ago.

In the 1970s, Groden showed the American people the infamous Zapruder film of the #JFKAssassination for the very first time on television. Later, he worked as a photographic expert on the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation of Kennedy's murder, and consulted on Oliver Stone's blockbuster film, "#JFK."

Groden (R) consulting with the HSCA, 1979.

Author of seven books on the Kennedy assassination, including a New York Times best-seller, Groden now lives in Dallas, where he lectures and sells his books to tourists in Dealey Plaza.

He has been ticketed more than 80 times by the city, arrested and jailed twice. All of these alleged infractions have been tossed out by city courts as violations by the city of Groden's First Amendment rights.

His long legal battle with the City of Dallas and the 6th Floor Museum was so incredible it became the subject of the 2014 documentary film, "Plaza Man."

As we marked the 60th anniversary of President Kennedy's murder last month, author Bruce de Torres and I paid tribute to Robert Groden on Episode 21 of "Strange Bedfellows."

Groden is one of the last living legends of JFK Assassination research. We feel his tremendous contribution to our understanding of this unsolved mystery should be honored.

Join us tonight at 9 PM Eastern for the premiere.

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