@StevenDKelley @JoséMiguelVera, We made a movie of the house power saver unit being installed, should be up soon.

1 year ago


Everything we are being told about global warming is bullshit, intended to kill life on earth.

We need greenhouse gasses, we need Carbon, we are carbon.

Methane + Oxygen makes CO2, and water. plants need co2 and water to grow, and release oxygen.

O2, H Methane, Carbon, makes life Ethnic cleansing
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. Steven Kelley, [3 Dec 2023 at 04:24:38]:
Jedis know they are Jedi... Easy to remember the first night.

anybody can free lance, we do it under the most powerful military mind in the universe, Rambo.

Jesus is our supreme commander under God, but Rambo is the man in the trenches with us on the front line.

Rambo is the strongest, best trained, best equipped military fighter in the universe, all of creation. He is the part of the Holy Spirit, that is tasked to do the most violent work that God requires.

He is in a bad mood 24/7 for millions of years straight.

Rambo follows Gods orders with no emotion, or question

He is still not happy, and wants our war over now so that he can return to his love (Sophia)

Rambo wants Occupythegetty more than we can understand.

Steven D. Kelley’s Unstoppable Mission to Occupy The Getty

Steven D Kelley is a Laser Electro Optics Engineer, Laser pioneer and inventor who created Laser Aiming Weapon Systems for military use. He was contracted through the NSA, CIA and other government agencies to provide high precision laser technology through his company S.K. Industries.

After a career as a jeweler and a Precision Optical Engineer, Steven became a laser pioneer, creating the world’s smallest laser aiming system, dominating the world solid state laser module production through a contract with the NSA Oliver North Gang. This would ultimately lead to the formation of S.K. Industries, laser aiming systems, who would produce the LAW-17 laser aiming system, designed for and used by Western special groups for anti-terrorism. The Law-17 laser is still to this day the most accurate laser aiming system ever produced. The same laser was a standard spec component for every Satellite due to its small size and stability.

After falling out with the CIA/NSA, Steven became exposed to Billy Meier, and his Pleadian contacts. This exposure, and Steven’s experience in micro photolithography, connected to his experience with Silver electroforming, led to discoveries that eventually were used to provide special components to experiments in speed of light propulsion, or beam ship construction.

Through his work, he was made aware of the multi-level underground systems of tunnels and bunkers that exist under the Getty Museum in Santa Monica Mountain, Los Angeles, California, USA. He had devoted more than a decade of his life of making people aware of this “City under the Getty” as a hub of child trafficking, a system of tunnels that connect this site to Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs), a place of advance technology and a place for the global elite to retreat to in case of a global apocalypse.

As an author, scientist and radio host, Kelley has made significant contributions in various fields, including laser technology, alternative energy and paranormal research. This biography delves into the life of Steven D. Kelley and the fascinating journey that led to the publication of his book, “Lasers, Cavers and Magic” in 2011.

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