Let's get Heavenly with it: Heavenly Sword -Live Stream- Chapter One (First Time Playing!)

1 year ago

I've only had my PS3 for about a little over a year and there are quite a few games I need to tackle and I still want to do a start to finish live stream of at least ONE game. I know this was a "launch title" when it first came out and I heard some good things about it. Let's see what I can mess up (or what can mess ME up)!

VP2 future videos: I've decided I'll go back on VP2 as I do want to play it all the way through as the story IS interesting. For purposes of recording/live streams; I will NOT be doing videos of me grinding. Only dungeons, story, and bosses will be recorded. I plan to tackle grinding up a few levels then revenge WILL take place.

For now...let's try something different. Thanks for watching!

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