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Federal Member admits Treason

1 year ago

Remembering that All States in Australia and Australian “Political Parties” agreed to become a sovereign, independent federal nation under the Australia Acts (Request Act) 1985, thus Removing the Lawful Crown of the Monarchy, “Demoting the State Governors from representing The Queen (Monarchy) Her Most Excellent Majesty, Defender of the Faith”. This removed ANY Royal Assent from that day forward = Treason No Royal Assent = Not Law


  • 0/2000
  • It is the Corporate political parties debt. It has nothing to do with the Australian People. Keep up the good work mate.

  • White hats = Freemasons name for themselves. They're not going to save anyone. Bosi is controlled opposition. Q, Trump.. you can't listen to that rubbish. NO POLITICIAN can be trusted, foreign or domestic. Fight and challenge EVERY fine. Clog the courts. aussiespeedingfines.com.au.

  • A bag of cockroaches ?,yes well you could liken that to "white hats" which is nothing more than a ploy so the people do not rebel if/when martial law is enforced. In other words we are supposed to believe the corrupt politicians are being arrested when they are coming to drag us by the scruff of the neck to fema camps!!! That was a good example of how much a trillion dollars looks like! 2 trillion seconds is 600 years in time !

  • One Trillion = One million millions = 1,000,000,000,000

  • We are not in debt the Gov Corp is in debt.

  • Thanks Tim - Go you good thing! Lots going on, hope you don't mind I share latest from... https://rumble.com/v3z6qei-death-sentence-new-zealand-whistleblower-exposes-covid-degenerate-genocide-.html &... kangaroocourtofaustralia.com

  • mirrored onto my bitch chute Tim. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/llmum0lIrDq2/

  • My latest contribution toward exposing political filth and treason is a video called BLACKMAIL Flu - The Musical. It's a musical because there are no words for the corruption, blackmail, lies and filth that have infected and suffocated the global political club for too many decades - especially here in Australia. It's also a tribute to all the fearless independent journalists out there and the art of journalism itself, weaving together various strands of this momentous chapter of world history, including a few pertinent screenshots from some of Tim's more recent videos. My favourite line of all time from Tim's Truth is: "And the people said No Implied Consent. Then the tyranny stopped." The perfect t-shirt and coffee cup slogan. Perhaps I'll call my next video: Not My Debt. I have said this all along as well. BLACKMAIL Flu - The Musical: https://rumble.com/v3yzewd-blackmail-the-musical.html

  • Dear Tim. The problem I have with our original constitution is that Charlie boy is heir apparent & he’s a globalist & greenie - an agent of the WEF, UN etc, which makes him a treasonous………fill in with whatever suits. Imagine him ruling over us! I’m all for the Magna Carta (sp?) & Common Law & taking back control of Australia so whomever comes up with a lawful & successful way of achieving this I’d wholly support that effort. Many thanks for informing those who know nothing of our God given right to self govern. Cheers & Merry Christmas 🎄

  • The original Commonwealth of Australian Constitution, Tim. NOT the Australian Government Constitution. Two opposing entities as I see it. The Corporate Australian Government’s Constitution is a facsimile- adulterated- version of the original Commonwealth of Australia Constitution as in force 1900-1901. Our original Constitution has been hijacked by political parties which didn’t exist, and were not allowed nor sanctioned by the British proclamation of Queen Victoria. The Corporate Government of Australia is a private members only company selling us & our minerals, Gold/silver/water/Land etc to the highest bidder. Our self sufficient industries have vanished before our eyes & grasp. All in parliamentary positions must know this or we wouldn’t be in the position we find ourselves in.

  • Great work. Thank you for all you do. I want to learn the truth regarding the Common wealth of Australia. How do you start? Where do you find the truth regarding this? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

    1 like
  • Wanted to post a pic on here, but sadly, it seems I cannot

  • Is it the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia? Or the Australian Constitution?

  • After WW1 didn't the King of England grant the colony of Australia sovereignty and Nationhood in it's own right. There is proof of this in the house of reps hansard around 1919 Billy Hughs maybe?? The operation of laws in a country, made from the authority of a foreign power, means that Australia has no legal seat or vote at the UN. The 1901 Constitution is and always will be UK law. Australian HC has already ruled that Australia can exist as an independent nation internationally, and at the same time operate laws with and by the authority of a foreign power locally - The whole thing is a bloody mess. I just think we might be past the point of using paper to bring justice to criminals. Law means nothing to them... My opinion is we must learn that we don't need a legal framework that explains our sovereignty on the Earth. By simply being here, now - is all the proof needed to affirm one's sovereignty. It comes standard with birth. Love ya work Tim and thanks for all you do. We must break the spell of inaction. People already know politicians are corrupt, I'm not sure what will motivate the numbers required... Merry Christmas and stay dangerous. lol.

  • total parasites and traitors and all in it ... regardless of area of "corrupt activity" in the "vampired" -judiciary, -executive, -legislature, -constabulary, - defence forces, -finance mob, -religious mob and to many in the general population in "stockholm-symdrom" mood... distracted with sex and drugs and rock and roll blind like a mole on "the dodo"... sad state of affairs ... 🤔