Weighing in on Alternative Education

9 months ago

Podcast: https://educationaltriage.podbean.com/e/what-were-you-thinking-perceptions-of-alt-ed/
Blog: https://www.educationtriage.net/the-blog
The National Alternative Education Association: https://www.the-naea.org/

“The only issue with Alternative Education is that those in the mainstream tend to dismiss it as an [illegitimate] mode of education. That is what Alt Ed really needs to work on, itself. Most have fantastic programs that tailor to the needs of the students, and they work with the families, as well – they tend to be comprehensive in that sense. That is what really helps – building trust between the community and the school/program. But if the rest of the educational community sees it as a place for “Those Kids” and as “Easy Education” the mindset will not change. “ (Current Educator)
Throughout the years I have discovered that many people go into Alternative Education as a mission to change the world. They burn out quickly. I have also discovered many who believe it to be an easy day. They don’t last long, either. Those who last in successful Alternative Education programs/Schools are those who understand that learning is a process – a lifelong process – that never ceases, and they are up to learning and exploring with the students. This is why computerized learning and using those platforms, rather than 1:1 learning, and even packets with the right kind of teacher, is far more efficacious and successful for deeper and longer learning.
If mainstream education is about compliance, rote-learning, and taking tests, then Alternative Education is about casting off those shackles and exploring the world of learning together. Every student has their own story, and we treat them as individuals – not as a herd of sheep that need training; any dullard can figure out how to train or herd. This is why we need and should require well-trained teachers who are empathetic and love teaching for the learning. Then Alternative Education will find itself legitimized.

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