Unforgettable Events on December 2 inHistory

6 months ago

On December 2 throughout history, there have been some unforgettable historical events. In this video, we'll be sharing some of the most noteworthy events that have taken place on December 2 throughout history.
1697 St Paul's Cathedral, designed by Sir Christopher Wren is consecrated for use (previous building destroyed in the Great Fire of London)
1777 British General Howe plots attack on Washington's army for Dec 4
1804 General Napoleon Bonaparte is crowned Emperor of the French at the Notre Dame de Paris in a ceremony officiated by Pope Pius VII
1812 James Madison re-elected President of the US, Elbridge Gerry Vice-President
1816 First savings bank in US opens (Philadelphia Savings Fund Society)
1823 US President James Monroe declares the "Monroe Doctrine" opposing European colonialism in the Americas, arguing any European political intervention in the New World would be a hostile act against the United States
1840 William Henry Harrison elected the 9th President of the United States of America
1845 US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West, a widely held belief termed "manifest destiny" by newspaper editor John O’Sullivan
1859 Abolitionist John Brown hanged for murder, treason, and conspiring slaves to revolt at Charles Town, Virginia
1851 French President Charles Louis Bonaparte in a Coup d'etat overthrows the Second Republic establishing himself as Emperor.
1908 Child Emperor Pu Yi ascends the Chinese throne at the age of two
1927 1st Model A Ford sold, for only $385
1941 Japanese Marshal Admiral Yamamoto sends his fleet to Pearl Harbor
1941 US Naval Intelligence ceases bugging Japanese consul
1942 World’s 1st self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction occurs in Chicago Pile-1 (world's 1st nuclear reactor) at the University of Chicago, overseen by Enrico Fermi
1954 US Senate censures Joeseph McCarthy (Sen-R-Wisc) for "conduct that tends to bring Senate into dishonor & disrepute”
1957 1st US large scale nuclear power plant for peacetime use opens, Shippingport, Pennsylvania
1961 Fidel Castro declares he's a Marxist & will lead Cuba to Communism
1968 US President Richard Nixon names Henry Kissinger security advisor
1970 Environmental Protection Agency begins in the US under Director William Ruckelshaus
1971 Soviet space probe Mars 3 is first to soft land on Mars
1973 Capital Centre (USAir Arena) opens in Landover Maryland; NBA's Washington Bullets beat Seattle SuperSonics, 98-96 in opening game; arena demolished 2002
1976 Communist revolutionary Fidel Castro becomes President of Cuba, replacing Osvaldo Dorticós Torrado
1990 First time 12 people in space at the same time
2001 Enron files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the Southern District of New York
2014 Stephen Hawking claims that Artificial Intelligence could be a "threat to mankind" and spell the end of the human race
2018 Trade war truce agreed between US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping at G-20 meeting in Argentina

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