好外星人/壞外星人 星際政治地球國家:預覽剪輯

1 year ago


好外星人/壞外星人 星際政治地球國家:預覽剪輯


The Good ET/Bad ET Exopolitical State of the Planet: Preview Clip

Hidden third parties manipulate both sides in international conflicts to start or perpetuate wars. Researchers such as William Bramley and David Icke were the first to expose the extraterrestrial origins of these mysterious actors. This is a video extract from The Exopolitical State of the Planet 2023 Webinar recorded live on Nov 25. Full recording available on Vimeo Extract from The Exopolitical State of the Planet 2023 Webinar recorded live on Nov 25. Full recording available on Vimeo https://vimeo.com/ondemand/exostateofplanet2023

來源: #MichaelSalla 英語原版 https://youtube.com/watch?v=HAOxVmsf5AQ

Alex Collier about #AlphaDraconian s, Greys, Leaps of Consciousness, …

部份 #秘密組織 名單👇

20210918 認清楚你的敵人
2. Trilateral
3. Illuminati
6. Freemason
7. Bilderberg
11. Club Of Rome
12. Jesuit

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