Did Owen Shroyer Make Roger Stone's Best Dressed List Of 2018

7 months ago

Reflecting on the Year with Roger Stone and Owen Shroyer: A Blend of Political Analysis and Style

The video provides a comprehensive summary of a year-end discussion between Roger Stone and Owen Shroyer. The conversation covers a range of topics, including economic policies, political strategies, and even fashion.

Stone and Shroyer begin by analyzing the impact of increasing minimum wage laws in various states. They argue that such hikes, while potentially beneficial in the short term, could harm small businesses and favor large corporations like Walmart and Google. This discussion leads to a critique of politicians like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whom they view as either naive or destructive in their economic policies.

The conversation takes a lighter turn as Stone discusses his tradition of compiling a best-dressed list, a practice he adopted from Hollywood designer Mr. Blackwell. Shroyer humorously vies for a spot on this list, reflecting the lighter side of their partnership.

Returning to more serious matters, Stone emphasizes the importance of resisting globalist agendas and the increasing censorship faced by platforms like InfoWars. He praises the InfoWars community for their role in countering globalist brainwashing, particularly highlighting the resilience of Christians and advocates of populism and nationalism.

The video captures the essence of the conversation, blending serious political analysis with moments of levity. It highlights Stone and Shroyer's perspectives on the year's significant political and social trends, as well as their commitment to resisting globalist control and promoting individual liberty.

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