Question of the Week: Dear Left Brained Client

5 months ago

Is it your conscious mind speaking in a Quantum Healing session? Your Higher Self? How do you know which is which and how does it feel and how can you tell? Candace reads her classic article, "Dear Left Brained Client" and answers a client's direct questions about the article.

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*About Candace Craw-Goldman*
Candace Craw-Goldman is a wife, mom and grandmother, a healer, a dreamer and a writer of magical things. She is the creator of _Beyond Quantum Healing_ and _Quantum Connect_ – modalities that explore, expand and elevate our human consciousness. She is the founder of, a GURU-free community of Healers and way showers. is a multi-platform of support and services for practitioners that includes a world-wide public directory, censorship-FREE support forum and quantum healing courses for healers of ALL kinds. Candace began her healer’s journey as Dolores Cannon’s teaching assistant and created Dolores’ Original QHHT Support Forum in 2008.
*Partial Transcript*
Okay, so let me find his question. So this is a client who has been referred on to another practitioner because of my own schedule. So here it goes. And I'm sorry to bother you. But I thought I should ask you this question from your article called left brain client, before I see my practitioner on December 1. So was the left brain client call and so let me move this over. So here's the article called Dear left brain client, actually read this article back in July of 2012. So quite a long time ago, the time of this recording, that's, you know, what is that? 11 years, that's more than 11 years, but I'm gonna go ahead and read the article first, so that you can see where some of the questions came in, in reference to the article, okay, dear left brain client, dear left brain client, it's not your fault. Really.

You've been programmed from birth to primarily only use half of your brain's natural function. Our Western societies institution of education and government and workplaces have marginalized our right brain, our intuition, our imagination, in my opinion, has been to our this has been to our great detriment. Think of all of the times as a child, you were told to get your head out of the clouds, that there was no monster in the closet that your imaginary friend wasn't real, to stop daydreaming. To stop pretending or making up stories, things were labeled only a coincidence or merely a figment of your imagination. What your parents, teachers and others did was effectively switch off half of your brains function. They mostly didn't mean to do this. They were taught the same thing when they were young, and this just perpetuates? Sure we need our left brain. Without it, many things would dissolve into disorganization and chaos. But what we really need is a balance.

So our whole brain, and our poor right brain has gotten a really bad rap. Well, we have a little work to do now to begin to undo this left brain thing is the only thing that's important programming, but it is possible. When you live a life led overwhelmingly by logic and analysis. You're living primarily from your left brain, you can think of your mind is fueled by a kind of a dual engine brain, which is much like a dual engineer playing with only one working engine, right? If you're only accessing that part of yourself. If you're a very methodical logical analytical, your right brain is probably very much like a rusty engine. And we need to get the grease gun out, lubricate the mechanics, refuel and get that right brain baby running before our quantum healing session. All right. Can you do this? Absolutely.

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