Mr. Guo didn’t share his true physical condition with us as he didn't want us to worry about him

6 months ago

12/2/2023 【Miles Insight】Mr. Guo didn’t share his true physical condition with us because he didn't want us to worry about him. His health is improving, and he has surpassed the most crucial phase. He is now able to do a bit of exercise, but not ready for intense physical activity just yet.
#MilesGuo #NFSC #TakedowntheCCP
12/2/2023 【Nicole看七哥】郭先生不告诉我们他真实的身体状况就是不希望我们担心他。他目前身体恢复得不错,已经度过了最严重的时期,也可以开始少量的锻炼,但是还不能进行大量的运动。
#郭文贵 #新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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