The Nephilim Explained, Biblical Giants and the Book of Enoch

6 months ago

Original Link on YouTube:

Ben S. is very helpful when resolving the forbidden TRUTHS of ancient history and cosmology however, although he agrees that the ancient Hebrews believed in a stationary, enclosed flat earth, he holds to the belief of "Divine Accommodation" as the late Michael Heiser did. This means that even though the Bible and the Hebrew ancients held to flat earth cosmogony, modern science has proven them wrong and God merely accommodated their lack of scientific knowledge. IMO, this is terribly wrong and puts modern scientism as the supreme authority over the Word of God.

Below, is the description from Ben S. video:
Buy my book on Young Earth Creationism:

An explanation of the Nephilim in Genesis 6, Enoch and the biblical belief in giants.

Inspiring Philosophy has produced a video response attempting to defend the non-supernatural interpretation here:

The Nerd Stuff:
1] E. A. Myers, The Ituraeans and the Roman Near East: Reassessing the Sources. Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series 147 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 65.

2] British Museum registration number 1903,0422.1

3] Trans. J. T. Milik, The Books of Enoch: Aramaic fragments of Qumran Cave 4, with the Collaboration of Matthew Black (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1976), 150.

4] See Heiser’s online PDF, “The Meaning of the Word Nephilim Fact vs. Fantasy,”
5] David Bartlett, “The Second Letter of Peter,” in The New Interpreter’s Commentary: A Commentary in Twelve Volumes, ed. Leander E. Keck, (Abington: Nashville, 1998), 347.

6] Briger A. Pearson, “A Reminiscence of Classical Myth at II Peter 2.4,” in The Emergence of the Christian Religion: Essays on Early Christianity (Harrisburg: Trinity Press, 1997), 75. Also, Jan N. Bremmer, “Remember the Titians,” in The Fall of the Angels, (Netherlands: Brill, 2004), 58.

7] On Jude’s dependence on Enoch see Eric R. Manson, “Watchers Traditions in the Catholic Epistles,” in The Watchers in Jewish and Christian Traditions, ed. Harkins, Bautch, Endres (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2014), 69-79.
Schreiner quote: Thomas R. Schreiner, The New American Commentary: An Exegetical and Theological Exposition of Holy Scripture: 1, 2 Peter, Jude, vol 37 (Nashville: B&H, 2003), 336.

8] Amar Annus, “On the Origin of Watchers: A Comparative Study of the Antediluvian Wisdom in Mesopotamian and Jewish Traditions.” Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 19, no. 4 (June 2010): 277–320. PDF at

9] Ibid., 314-315.

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