CDC 5G (Next 6G) 'Virus' Zombie Apocalypse 101 Preparedness is Already Here! [Mar 5, 2021]

1 year ago

Aug 3, 2023 Preparedness and Response Campaigns | CDC
CDC published "Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse" to the Public Health Matters blog in 2011. The post was an example of educational entertainment. It used a popular cultural reference to zombies to promote preparedness for different emergencies and disasters.

CDC's 2011 blog on Preparedness 101 Zombie Apocalypse

Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic by
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Publication date 2011

"Wonder why Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse, and Zombie Preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC web site? (Dead link)

Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic
by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

kim osbøl zombie apocalypse - Showing 10 of 13 matches

Research: CDC Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse

CDC Zombie Apocalypse 101 Preparedness

Dana Ashlie, What is Wireless Warefare as 5G, 6G, EMF, Wifi ect? [19.03.2023]
Posted March 5, 2021

Just in case: CDC shares tips on surviving a zombie apocalypse

Flesh-eating zombies at your door?

Maybe not! But just in case - we’ll check out these crazy ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ tips (plus, your weekend forecast!) on the GoodDayDC AfterShow!

This is from 2021.

So I'm uploading this because the evils removed their zombie page from the CDC site and I needed to add my saved version to an article I'm writing about why zombies are dangerous, but it's not on this computer.

I'm hoping I had it saved on my other computer.

Does anyone have a copy?

My views about this stupid clip:

1. Fox News is just as fake as the left wing BS

2. They have to have a token gay guy

3. They have to flash a slave mask not once, but TWICE, and make it seem like wearing a mask is FUN due to toxic zombie SPORTS.

4. Look how the black guy can't contain himself from the sheer stupidity of the article

5. Look at how they brainwash you to continue to worship the mafia government, that if you need to prepare for the end of civilization, you should STILL have your driver's license and passport LOL

6. They talk about how to kill a zombie and most people won't pay attention to that, but don't think for a minute it won't be our REALITY down the road.

7. Then they talk about vampires so that zombies who are paying "attention" will think this is all BS and just a joke

8. I know who Nostradamus was, so now I'm wondering if the evils created him and wrote his books. Anyone?

Original link -


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