Boyfriend of raped and murdered girlfriend called 'hero of far right' after his impact statement..

1 year ago

Irish Times journalist censored Ashling Murphy's boyfriend's victim impact statement for 'our own good'.. Calls him a hero of the 'far right' after his girlfriend was raped and murdered by a Coudenhove kalergi importee.. She even goes on to say.. 'Irishmen that are perpetrating violence on immigrant women'.. If that did happen the mainstream media would be all over it and we’d never hear the end of it.. but it's not, as much as the propaganda outlets would want to even they would need hard evidence. Ryan Casey's impact statement is below: 👇

'It just sickens me to the core that someone can come to this country, be fully supported in terms of social housing, social welfare, and free medical care for over ten years, never hold down a legitimate job and never once contribute to society in any way, shape, or form, can commit such a horrendous evil act'.. 'I feel like this country is no longer the country that Ashling and I grew up in and has officially lost its innocence when a crime of this magnitude can be perpetrated in broad daylight.. This country has to wake up. This time, things have to change'..

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