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15 seconds

Lois LIVE!

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  • Oh just tuning in a the end of the video and seeing you and your dog and your dog giving you kisses all over, oh thank you for that! Thank you God

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  • God Bless you and Gary 🙏🏻❤️

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  • Thanks Lois for being obedient and being a source of strength for us

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  • i cant wait til the cross is up

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  • Missed you!

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  • I see Lois on Rumble.com!

  • Thank you Lois

  • Always learn so much from your wisdom thank you Lois! Your pup is so precious dogs are the best😍

  • Hi Lois, I’m a fairly new listener. I don’t know where to find your email, so I’m leaving this message here. Your videos are typically short, but I loved this one and listened to the entire video. I agree with almost everything you said. Yes, we live in this beautiful love story by Father God for His precious Son, Jesus. It’s ALL about King Jesus and it’s beautiful, and I am honored to be part of it, and that Father put me here in this most incredible time in our history. You are often funny and make me laugh, but you speak TRUTH. You are truly blessed and anointed by God. Thank you for your boldness, which comes from the HS. I say I agree with most of what you said because there are things going on with Trump, our current Commander in Chief, which you don’t mention. I believe it’s important for people to know that there is a major COVERT MILITARY STING OPERATION in progress (to take down the Deep State…our enemy), going on as we speak, being led by DJT, to free this country and the world from the evil perpetuated by this elite cabal, who have slowly and completely infiltrated our government (and all 7 mountains of influence) including almost all countries throughout the world. Trump and the military have been leading this effort for many years. Maybe you have chosen not to go there or you’re not aware. Nonetheless, your message resonates with me, because regardless of what may be going on militarily, it’s still our responsibility to love and care for one another. I thank you for your message of love. May Father continue to bless you, Gary and your family, including your fur baby, who is adorable, and like my Bella, likes to plant many, many WET kisses all over my face! BTW, I notice that your fingers look a lot like mine, riddled with arthritis…I blame it on all the jabs that we were forced to get as children….they are still doing damage to our bodies. But, we will be healed..because God! Sending love in the name of our mighty Lord and Savior, King Jesus! ❤️

  • For those with working brains, consider that Tel Aviv is the homosexual capital of the world, and that the (Kharzarian) "Jews" of Israel INTEND to Annihilate the Gentiles worldwide, including in America. The Talmudic priest class condsider gentiles (such Americans) as cattle, and as cattle, should have their throats cut, blood drained, and disemboweled by the "Jews". Does this sound like God's children? Right, because they are NOT His children.

  • Lois, and Gary, Judy and I love you shows. Lois, I love you genuine presents. Craig and Judy Brown