20231126 The 9/11 WarRoom

7 months ago



9/11 JFK Graffiti

November 25 2023 — RFK Jr. launches petition demanding Biden release JFK assassination documents

November 22 2023 — JFK Assassination Conspiracy Viewed Completely Differently by Gen Z

=9/11 CORPORATE NEWS=========================

November 22 2023 — Aaron Rodgers can't stop being a total idiot
HIT PIECE BY Julie DiCaro (jdicaro@deadspin.com)

November 21 2023 — Must-watch documentaries on the tragic 9/11 attacks
2/6 'September 11: The New Pearl Harbor' (2013)
September 11: The New Pearl Harbor, the controversial documentary directed by Massimo Mazzucco, challenges the official narrative of the 9/11 attacks.
Drawing on extensive research and expert interviews, it presents alternative theories about the events and suggests a conspiracy. It has sparked intense debate and discussions within the 9/11 truth movement but retains a divisive position in the general public.

November 20 2023 — Elon Musk’s X sues Media Matters over report on antisemitic content
POTSHOT by Jaimie Ding (https://twitter.com/j_dingdingding jaimie.ding@latimes.com)
Media Matters . . . has previously reported ad placements next to Holocaust denial and 9/11 conspiracy theory content.

November 23 2023 — The Conspiracy Tourist: Dom Joly on his new book and tour
[Time to inform Kaitie Jarivis (nicky.godding@archant.co.uk) and Dom Joly (https://www.domjoly.tv/contact/)
9/11 was orchestrated by [insert name here].

November 21 2023 — What Does the US Republican Presidential Primary Imply for Taiwan?
POTSHOT by Billy Stampfl (bstampfl@umich.edu)
"Perhaps Ramaswamy, a first-time candidate who has entertained 9/11 conspiracy theories..."

=9/11 ALTERNATIVE NEWS========================

November 26 2023 — Jimmy Dore Brings posts on 9/11 on Twitter/X

November 16 2023 — Jimmy Dore Brings up Building 7 [AGAIN!]
Queued up for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U72EPWVgbt4&t=342s
At 00:06:30 Jimmy Dore says he will have Professor Hulsey on his show December 8:
Qued up for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U72EPWVgbt4&t=458s

=9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT NEWS====================

November 24 2023 — Aaron Rodgers Plane Banner Finally Flies!!!
See additional photos at:

AE911Truth v NIST court doc:

=9/11 TRUTH STRATEGY==========================

A.) Strategic Pathways for Thoughtful Advocacy: Building Awareness in the 9/11 Truth Movement
[Clip is from Sophie Scholl: The Final Days (2005).

It is about the last days in the life of Sophie Scholl, a 21-year-old member of the anti-Nazi non-violent student resistance group the White Rose, part of the German Resistance movement. She was found guilty of high treason by the People’s Court and executed the same day, 22 February 1943.

In wartime Munich, Sophie Scholl joins members of the White Rose student organization, including Sophie's brother Hans, who are preparing a leaflet. They have more copies than they can distribute by mail. Hans proposes distributing the extras at university; Sophie volunteers to assist. At Munich University while classes are in session, Hans and Sophie put stacks of leaflets near the lecture rooms. With only minutes left, Sophie runs to the top floor, where she pushes a stack of leaflets over the balustrade. A janitor who sees Sophie detains the pair until the Gestapo arrive.

In the spirit of Sophie, Hans, and the White Rose, it is my hope that the 9/11 truth movement would have that passion to share truth with the people.]

1. **Strategic Messaging:** Craft concise and compelling messages that challenge official narratives with evidence-based arguments. Appeal to critical thinking rather than promoting a fringe viewpoint.
2. **Non-Violent Guerrilla Tactics:** Emphasize peaceful and non-disruptive means, like distributing informative flyers or using social media platforms to share credible information. Avoid confrontational approaches to maintain a positive public image.
3. **Online Platforms:** Leverage the power of the internet to reach a global audience. Utilize websites, blogs, and social media to share well-researched articles, documentaries, and infographics that question the official 9/11 story.
4. **Educational Initiatives:** Collaborate with academics, researchers, and experts to produce educational content. Host webinars, podcasts, or online seminars to engage a wider audience and establish credibility.
5. **Community Building:** Foster a sense of community among 9/11 truth advocates. Encourage open dialogue, collaboration, and the sharing of resources to strengthen the movement and attract more critical thinkers.
6. **Engage with Mainstream Media:** Develop relationships with journalists and media outlets to present well-supported perspectives. Focus on gaining coverage in mainstream platforms to reach a broader audience and challenge the stigma associated with 9/11 truth.
7. **Artistic Expression:** Use creative mediums like art, music, and film to convey your message. Engage artists and filmmakers to produce content that resonates emotionally and intellectually, appealing to a wider audience.
8. **Legal Awareness:** Educate advocates on their rights and responsibilities when distributing information. Ensure activities remain within legal boundaries to avoid unnecessary complications.
9. **Global Collaboration:** Connect with like-minded individuals and groups internationally. By creating a global network, you amplify the impact of the movement and demonstrate widespread concern for truth and justice.
10. **Adaptability:** Stay informed about the latest technologies and communication trends. Adapt strategies to effectively navigate an ever-evolving media landscape, ensuring the 9/11 truth movement remains relevant and impactful.

Remember, our goal is to shift public perception by presenting a well-reasoned and thoughtful approach, aligning with the pursuit of justice.

B.) Unveiling Truth: A Critical Examination of the World Trade Center Building Collapses on 9/11

1. **Observation:** Have you noticed that the top portions of World Trade Center buildings 1 and 2 fell through the path of most resistance—the intact lower sections—at near freefall acceleration?
2. **Physics Inquiry:** Given the laws of physics, would you expect the top portions to encounter enough resistance from the undamaged structure below to slow down or even stop their descent, especially considering the near freefall acceleration?

3. **Demolition Knowledge:** Are you aware that buildings collapse at near free-fall acceleration when explosives are strategically placed to remove support, as seen in controlled demolitions?

4. **Building Integrity:** Considering the intact lower sections and the near free-fall acceleration, do you find it puzzling that they offered no significant resistance, behaving as if all structural support was simultaneously removed, akin to controlled demolitions?

5. **Analogies:** If you drop a heavy object onto a stack of books, what would you anticipate happening to the underlying structure, especially if it fell at near freefall acceleration? How does this align with what we observed in the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings?

6. **Official Explanation Analysis:** When examining the official explanation, do you believe it adequately addresses the observed behavior, especially considering the near freefall acceleration, or do you notice any inconsistencies?

7. **Alternative Hypotheses:** Considering the controlled demolition principle and the near free-fall acceleration, can you entertain the idea that controlled demolition might provide a more plausible explanation for the observed collapse?

8. **Further Investigation:** Are you open to exploring expert opinions, scientific analyses, and eyewitness testimonies that question the official narrative, delve deeper into the events of 9/11, and consider the near free-fall acceleration?

9. **Open Dialogue:** In pursuit of truth and justice, would you be willing to engage in an open dialogue, critically examining the events surrounding 9/11, especially with the added consideration of near free-fall acceleration, and encouraging a broader understanding of the situation?

Seeking the truth is not just an act of intellectual curiosity; it's a commitment to justice and accountability for all.

C.) 9/11 Truth: How to respond to big mouths with small brains:

=ACTION ITEMS===============================

This is where Advocates & Activists in the 9/11 Truth Movement can find others and also be found. Here, you can connect with like-minded individuals and be discovered by others who share your passion. The 9/11 Community Hub serves as a voluntary public directory, dedicated to all those who seek transparency, truth, accountability, and justice for the crimes committed on 9/11.

Whether you prefer to reveal little or share more, you have the freedom to register and disclose as much information as you feel comfortable with. The only mandatory fields are your name, a private email address (which will not be publicly displayed), and your city, state/province and country. The directory is fully searchable and offers convenient filtering and sorting options. Let us unite and foster connections within our community!


December 3, 2023 — The First Annual David Ray Griffin Lecture
This two-hour event will be professionally livestreamed by independent news organization UK Column. It will begin at 7:00 PM CET / 6:00 PM UK / 1:00 PM EST / 10:00 AM PST.

December 8, 2023 — Jimmy Dore to interview Professor Leroy Hulsey

June 17–19 2024 — NFPA Conference & Expo, Orlando, Florida

=9/11 FINANCIAL NEEDS========================

Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry: Crimescene To Courtroom documentary

NFPA Conference

=WHO WE ARE======================================

The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

Topic: The 9/11 WarRoom
Time: Every given Sunday at 5PM ET

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Contact Us:
Gene Laratonda

Sandra Jelmi

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