to add to my FBI file complaint

10 months ago

I got a invoice in my email and reported that but I wanted them to know you can hear threats from these cyber stalkers and gangstalkers. The invoice is a false invoice I don't owe them nothing.
If people are this stupid to keep doing this 24/7 for over three years they deserve to be caught and persecuted. plus put to death. there is a girls voice or kids voices doing the deep hum singing how stupid can you be... your voice is clearly heard and can be found and prosecuted. will BE! I know your necrophiliacs baby rapers and child sex traffickers. Having sex with dead people how sick can you get. But literally
baby rapers I read on the report where you literally raped a new born baby... What kind of sick woman says to a kid who's crying he wants to go home.They're coming to rape you. WTF woman your sick and disgusting... God will throw you alive into the lake of fire your all sick people...

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