Our Mission Statement New World Order Two $500 Trillion Lawsuit Text Paper Work

1 year ago

Our Mission Statement New World Order Year Zero Part Two - Is Asking All Are Friends of the Original Constitution's See The 130+ Video's Listed Below With Over 1,000+ Pages Text To Read And If You Do Not Read The Text You Miss The Whole Point Of The Video's In First Place. - https://rumble.com/v3z6bnt-our-mission-statement-new-world-order-ask-for-500-trillion-lawsuit-against-.html

Average Text Is 10 Pages Per Video's And We Are Exposing That Our Federal Government Is And As A Fraudulent Foreign Corporation masquerading as our government and introduces the Declaration of Restoration that calls for a Constitutional Convention & Court to prosecute the Defendants in We the People's $500 Trillion Lawsuit: to get back our money, our health, our Liberty and the original Constitution that they have stolen from us; to re-found our government and base it on the Constitution. Now & Forever.

(P.S. This Video Above Is Good... But We Did Not Sign Up For This Group And Did Not Send Any Money To Anyone In This Group And Did Not Sign Any Thing And Or Any Paper Work Ever For This Group!) The main point is to watch all the video's below and read the text to help you in this life on earth with true love.

A $500 Trillion dollar lawsuit is in progress against the Federal Government and over 140 Monopolists via our Republic Constitutional Convention and Court…We The People are reclaiming what you have taken from us and done to us. They are exposed for their criminal acts. Are you ready to help restore the Constitutional Government? They have stolen from us and created harm to our health and to our God given liberties. They have brought many to death.

Welcome To Our Channel 2 Million+ Views In 2023 & 540 Video's So Far This Year Alone - Thanks To Everyone Who Like Us... Good Or Bad You Are All Welcome To Share Any Video's We Post To Your Friends And Other's... Thanks !

Constitutional Republic of the United States of America - Representing the Plaintiffs Friends of the Original Constitution and We the People of the United States of America.

Friends of the Original Constitution, the interim Constitutional Government, and
We the People of the Constitutional Republic of the United States of America.

et al.:
(Columns below)
See Part One Text For List Of The 140 Names Are At The Very End Of The Text In Part 1 Thanks !
The Defendants.

The plaintiffs We the People of the United States of America and Friends of the Original Constitution, by and through their Nonlawyer representative, hereby complains against the FEDERAL CORPORATIONS A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES and THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; et al.

The Defendants THE UNITED STATES and THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA are legal fiction FOREIGN CORPORATIONS (hereafter called the “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT”) intentionally created for the purpose to operate under the false pretense that they are the government and the Constitution established by the ratification of the Constitution for the United States.
Upon information and belief, all other Defendants (“et al.”) listed above, are commonly known individuals or companies at all times pertinent to this action.

Jurisdiction and Venue
We the People, collectively united in majority, hold all authority and jurisdiction in this country and we hereby consent to ordain to hold a Constitutional Convention & Court as set forth in the Declaration of Restoration contained in the book by Scott David Workman “Map of Thieves.” A copy of the Declaration of Restoration is listed below for your reference. We the People’s signatures on the Declaration of Restoration are the equivalent of a signature on this complaint and we hereby authorize all that is declared herein and all that is to be tried, prosecuted and judged at the Constitutional Convention & Court. Our testimonies, affidavits and evidence regarding the injuries we have suffered due to the actions of the defendants. The First Delegate as well as the delegates at this Constitutional Convention & Court have full jurisdiction to try, prosecute and judge all matters of this complaint. Reference: Article V of the Constitution for the United States of America.

To further solidify our intent to reclaim and retain our authority and jurisdiction, Friends of the Original Constitution and We the People of the United States of America hereby revoke our consent to be under the jurisdiction of and to be governed by the Defendant THE UNITED STATES, the legal fiction FOREIGN CORPORATION A.K.A . the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. We hereby revoke our signatures from any and ALL contracts with Defendant THE UNITED STATES, the legal fiction FOREIGN CORPORATION A.K.A . the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Any interactions with them and by us are intended “Without Prejudice” or a reservation of our rights with the intent to retain our authority and jurisdiction. “Revoking our signatures” means that all contracts that we have either knowingly or unknowingly entered into prior to this moment that bound us to their jurisdiction – we have now revoked any and all signatures to. “Without Prejudice” means that any interactions with the Defendant THE UNITED STATES, the legal fiction FEDERAL GOVERNMENT cannot contract us into any further contracts or jurisdiction without us knowingly understanding, agreeing or signing our signature thereto.

Due Process
It is universal that the laws of service of process must follow the laws that apply to the court that issues the process; therefore the following will govern the service of process hereby established for this lawsuit, Constitutional Convention & Court: Any form of mass communication including but not limited to the internet, email, blogs, platforms, news, media, television, radio, print, flyers, word of mouth, rallies, peaceable assemblies that broadcast this complaint will serve as the notification to the Defendants and will be the lawful means of issuance, delivery and acceptance of the service of process for the Constitutional Convention & Court, this complaint and lawsuit and all the proceedings there pertaining.

Declaration, General Allegations and Causes of Action
The Declaration of Restoration
July 6th 2021 (76.21)
Once again in the course of human events, 245 Years + 2 days after the Declaration of Independence was adopted (July 4th, 1776), it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands that connect them with another. We therefore declare that all leadership of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT be dismissed from their posts, positions, employment, etc., elected or otherwise; and We the People, assert our rights—granted by the laws of Nature and secured through the Constitution for the United States—to restore and reestablish our government in accordance with the original intents of our Founding Fathers. We acknowledge that the grounds for such removal must be reasonable, and a decent respect for the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare the causes which impel us towards that removal.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights; that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among the People, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to restore it, and to institute newly elected Government officers, officials and workers, restoring its foundation on such principles and restoring its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown, that the Citizenry is more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by restoring the form of government conceived and formed by our Founding Fathers over 234 years ago. But when a long train of abuses, thieves and secret alliances; usurpations and secret subjugations evinces a design to reduce them under greed, corruption, malpractice, and creeps ever forward towards despotism, it is the People’s right—it is their duty—to throw off such Government, to restore its function as an instrument of the governed, who shall effect new safe guards and new amendments for their future security. The history of the present so-called FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is a history of repeated secrecy, injuries, usurpations, corruption, theft, malpractice, and despotism, all having in direct object the establishment of self-service, money and power, over and above service to these States and to the people; its rightful masters.

To prove this, let these Facts be submitted to a candid world:
They conspired to form a “Legal Fiction” or “FEDERAL” Corporation called THE UNITED STATES to secretly “go around” the Constitutional Government that We the People ordained by the hands of our Founding Fathers.

They conspired to form a “Legal Fiction” or “FEDERAL” corporation called the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to secretly “go around” the original Constitution for the United States of America.

They created this “Legal Fiction” or “secret jurisdiction” to subjugate us, override our Rights and Liberties and to fulfill their nefarious objectives of monopoly, greed, tyranny, monarchy and control.

They are allowing the secret, subtle and gradual dismantling of our Constitutional Republic and the installation of a monarchy (or oligarchy).

They are participating in Collusion, Conspiracy, Fraud, False Pretense, Racketeering and other secret and nefarious activities with the objective and end goals of money, power and total control.

They are allowing corporate monopolies such as the AMA, Big Pharma, the CDC, Big Oil, Big Tech, the FEDERAL RESERVE and others to dictate, dominate and control industries.

They are allowing and even participating in conspiracies to subvert Liberty and the Constitution.

They are destroying Free Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom of Choice to name a few, which are unalienable rights (rights that cannot be taken or given away).

They are Mandating, Ordering, Restricting, Prohibiting (Abridging) and blatantly enforcing these so-called “laws” and rules upon We the People without “Due Process of Law,” which is completely and undeniably unconstitutional. (See 4th Amendment).

The Constitution guarantees our unalienable rights (rights that cannot be taken or given away). It specifically states that “congress shall make no laws” to “prohibit” “infringe” or “abridge” our rights! Synonyms that best represent our modern day vernacular are “restrict” “restriction” “ban” “restrain” “prevent” “interrupt” “lessen” “limit” “diminish” and “mandate!” Yet today, our “authorities” are issuing or decreeing “bans” “orders” “mandates” and “restrictions!” They’re “prohibiting” what we can’t do and “limiting” what we can do! They’re restricting this activity or that activity decreeing what’s essential and what’s “non-essential!” They’re threatening us with “misdemeanors” and “fines” for violating their “restrictions!” This is blatant abuse of our unalienable rights and the Constitution! None of these “bans” “orders” “mandates” and “restrictions” are Constitutional and everyone upholding such are in violation of their Oath of Office to uphold and sustain the Constitution!

They have legalized bribery and call it “Lobbying.” They change the definition and meaning of words to suit their nefarious objectives.

They have given financial control of our country to a private bank (the Federal Reserve Bank), which operates only for the increase and gain of itself and its alliances.

They have allowed the currency of this country to be monetized by debt and backed by nothing but the hard work of its Citizens.

They have allowed greed, money and power to take priority over their sworn oath to uphold and sustain the Constitution.

They have made reelection a priority over service to their constituents, and have sold their votes to realize this goal.

They have abused and restricted (abridged) our freedoms and liberty in the name of “National Security” or “Safety.”

They put their alliance’s objectives over and above the good of the people.

They have, by all appearances, abandoned honesty, integrity, respect, and civility in favor of strategies, talking points, and political maneuvering.

They have recklessly spent our monies beyond our means of income by more than 28 Trillion dollars, endangering the economic stability of this country and the futures of our children.

They have circumvented the legislative process and expanded the scope of executive orders, thereby rendering the legislative checks and balances envisioned by our Founders irrelevant.

They have installed Judges who adjudicate according to political alliances, influence pandering, and other pressures rather than upholding the Constitution.

They have passed laws and enacted legislative rules that facilitate extravagant lifestyles for themselves and their families, with huge benefits and retirements.

They have poorly managed the laws for naturalization of foreigners, refusing to protect our borders and discouraging immigration by making it too difficult to be eligible to immigrate to these United States.

They have imposed taxes on us without our consent and without a Constitutional amendment.

They have not “apportioned” taxes fairly as originally intended by Article 1 section 2 of the original Constitution.

They are using “Internal Revenue Service” agents, the FDA, the FTC, the CDC, the EPA, the BLM, FEMA and other unconstitutional agencies to harass and inflict injuries to law-abiding Citizens, to their livelihoods, etc.

They have carried out so-called pre-emptive military actions without the approval of the legislature, as it requires in the original Constitution.

They have enforced certain parts of laws, but ignored others, arbitrarily and without accountability.

They have ignored or broken laws and have not been held accountable.

They have and are participating in Conspiracy, Monopoly and Anti-Competitive behaviors by promoting one industry and suppressing or eliminating their alliance’s competition.

They have created “legislative rules” to manipulate the manner in which bills become laws, and to create obstacles preventing some bills from ever becoming law.

They deny bills that have passed committee from being voted upon depending upon the whims or decision of the leader of the respective division of the legislature.

They pass laws that are written in impenetrable language, burdened with thousands of pages of code and confusing legalese, which facilitates loopholes and keeps the law inaccessible to the governed. They have passed laws forcing (mandating) Citizens to purchase a product or a service.

They have enacted laws to aid in the establishment of “political careers,” contrary to the founding fathers’ intent for those elected to serve the people and to have short terms. We now remind them of the ultimate governing power, given to us by God, that “We the People” collectively hold and our right to rescind the power we have delegated to them. We declare our power, authority, and right to restore the Constitution and to call for, organize, and hold a Constitutional Convention & Court for this purpose. We disavow their usurpations. They have been deaf to our voices. We declare our authority and power to remove all of them from office.

We the People exercise our collective authority and hereby rescind and revoke the following LEGAL FICTIONS: the FEDERAL CORPORATION A.K.A. “THE UNITED STATES” and their FEDERAL CORPORATION A.K.A “CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” and all the other LEGAL FICTIONS created by them (“FEDERAL GOVERNMENT”) and all of their authority.

We hereby revoke our consent to the jurisdiction of and the governance by the Defendant the “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT”.

We hereby revoke our signatures from any and ALL contracts either knowingly or unknowingly entered into under the legal fiction and “FEDERAL STATE” collectively known and called hereafter as the “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT”.

We the People revoke ALL Executive Orders by any President or Governor, past or present!

We the People revoke the legal fiction FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and declare our intentions to remove, rescind, and eliminate all leadership positions, elected or otherwise (stations) and replace according to the plan as set forth in the book “MAP OF THIEVES” by Scott David Workman.

We revoke our consent and hereby nullify any further authority granted to WASHINGTON D.C., and or the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and command you to sit still and maintain the basic operations of our government until the majority of States and We the People agree on the plan aforementioned to reinstall the Constitutional Republic form of government that has been stolen, obscured, subverted and supplanted by your conspiracy and fraudulent actions under the legal fiction FEDERAL CORPORATE STATE A.K.A the “FEDERAL GOVERNMENT”!

All defendants in the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, listed in our lawsuit, who have sworn an oath to uphold and sustain the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, have sworn an oath to uphold and sustain a FOREIGN CORPORATION’S CONSTITUTION. This constitutes grounds for immediate dismissal and prosecution for crimes against We the People and the original Constitution and depending upon the severity of the actions of the defendants constitutes treason. At the very least, all the defendants immediately have no more standing or authority in any way shape or form. All leadership will be removed from their respective stations at the Constitutional Convention & Court. Any non-defendant FEDERAL EMPLOYEE that desires to retain their employment with the restored Constitutional Government will be required to be retrained, repositioned and take an oath to defend and sustain the Constitution for the United States of America. (See Complaint/Lawsuit for further details).

We, therefore, appealing to the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by the Authority of God, and the good People of these States, solemnly publish and declare, that these United States are, and of Right must be, Free and Independent from those who would exploit our system of government; that we have full Power to restore our government to one that is Of the People, By the People and For the People. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection and authorities secured by our original Constitution, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

I, (Fill in your Name Below) hereby revoke my signature on all contracts with the FEDERAL CORPORATION A.K.A THE UNITED STATES A.K.A the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and give my consent to be a Plaintiff in the lawsuit commenced by Friends of the Original Constitution against the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, et al., (over 140 other defendants) to obtain all objectives, actions, discovery, injunctions, reliefs and results as set forth within the said lawsuit. I demand and give my authorization as a Citizen of the United States of America to call for and hold a Constitutional Convention as prescribed in Article V of the original United States Constitution NOT to throw out the Constitution and start from scratch, and the delegates are NOT granted any authority to do this, BUT the purpose of the Convention WILL BE to follow in accordance the specific and detailed plan of action as set forth in the following (3) documents by Scott David Workman: 1- Book: “MAP OF THIEVES”; 2- Book: The Trojan Virus; 3- Complaint/Lawsuit against the FEDERAL CORPORATION A.K.A THE UNITED STATES and over 140 MONOPOLISTS; namely to restore the Constitutional Government fraudulently usurped by the FEDERAL CORPORATION A.K.A THE UNITED STATES. I authorize Scott David Workman as the Founder of this movement to be the First Delegate at the Constitutional Convention & Court; to commence the lawsuit; to represent me in his Nonlawyer capacity as well as do all functions necessary including but not limited to soliciting, gathering and posting evidence, to issuing subpoenas, to demand documents from the defendants for discovery; service of process, issuance of injunctions and Cease and Desist Orders and to adjudicate in all aforementioned matters prior to the Constitutional Convention & Court and to be one of the delegate judges and the General Council Chairman (“Chair”) at the Constitutional Convention & Court.

I affirm with an oath to uphold Liberty, defend the true Constitution and sustain the Constitutional Laws of this land and pledge my allegiance to the Constitutional Government and this movement to fully restore and reestablish the Constitutional Government at the Constitutional Convention & Court.

Specific Allegations and Causes of Action
Part A: Related to Health
They, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT have violated liberty and the welfare of the people and the planet and the original Constitution by legislating for and aiding and abetting a “Government sanctioned” “monopoly!”

They, the American Medical Association (“AMA”) et al., is and has conspired with other defendants and used all means available to them, including but not limited to collusion, coercion, bribery, lobbying, extortion, conspiracy, fraud, false pretense and deception etc. to brand as “quacks” anyone not having “scientific” ie: Allopathic – training. They’ve banned Doctors from homeopathic case histories (suppression of truth) from its medical journals. They have forbidden medical doctors to consult with homeopaths, naturopaths etc. or from joining other medical associations.

They, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT have established “Health Departments,” both nationally and in each of the 50 States (and territories) of the U.S.A. and have given exclusive authority to only one Trade Association – The American Medical Association (AMA) – to govern our entire Healthcare System. This constitutes aiding and abetting a Monopoly! This is supporting one Trade Association over all others! This is an immoral and contrary to the original Constitution. This is a legislated conspiracy against Liberty. Liberty is freedom of Choice. This is granting authority to one Trade organization to control all medical truth – this is dictatorship! This is a blatant violation of the original Constitution.

The Defendants have conspired against the Health of the We the People (at the very least and at the most the entire world) and conspired to keep natural cures from them, to the detriment of their health; resulting in millions of people every year losing their lives as a result! They’ve conspired against our planet’s health and conspired to keep alternative, inexpensive and pollution free fuels such as hydrogen from us; to the detriment of our environment as well as our personal health. They’ve conspired against the original Constitution by passing laws that violate our rights and are repugnant to liberty.

The Defendants have conflicts of interest and vested interests in profiting off of “disease exploitation” or “disease racketeering” by creating a problem (false pretense problem) then using campaigns (advertising, donation drives, rallies, etc.) of fear to extort an endless flow of dollars from an unsuspecting public. For example, members of the (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention own over 20 vaccines patents and sells over 4.6 Billion dollars of vaccines every year. It’s been under at least four separate investigations by the U.S. Congress. It’s paid out over 4.6 Billion Dollars to those injured by vaccination. They openly admit that this number is only 1% of those who have actually been compensated, so the number is actually more like $460 Billion.

The Defendants are willfully defrauding the world by deception and by purposely omitting the truth about viruses which is: That amongst the 6 trillion cells inside of every human body – there are 30 trillion microbes/bacteria/viruses/etc! There are another 30 trillion microbes surrounding us each and every day! That our immune systems takes care of these 60 trillion microbes each and every day and that the only people that are dying from this Coronavirus (COVID-19) are the people that have severely compromised immune systems. They have turned what used to be called a “common cold/flu” into a pandemic for the fraudulent purposes of “disease exploitation” and “disease racketeering” for money and power.

The Defendants are willfully defrauding the world by deception and by purposely omitting the truth that allopathic medicine – which is unnatural and loaded with toxins – is the major contributing factor in the compromising of people’s immune systems! Toxic drugs, vaccines, and man-made unnatural chemical elements are overloading our bodies with toxins which compromise our body’s immune systems – many times to the point that the body’s immune system cannot take care of a simple virus. They are hyping up (into a pandemic) one (Coronavirus COVID-19) and new “variants” which are a few of trillions of “common viruses” (inside of us and surrounding us) and profiting off of this false pretense “disease exploitation” and “disease racketeering” by creating a false narrative so-called “pandemic” false pretense enterprise for money and power.

The Defendants are recommending measures that are compounding our toxicity such as wearing face masks. Face masks DO NOT prevent microbes (smaller than a cell) from getting into the body! They also cause the breathing in of our own Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which can cause hypercapnia which is carbon dioxide “toxicity,” thus causing us to be more toxic and more susceptible to disease.

The Defendant’s actions are causing fear and stress to millions, if not billions of people throughout the world. People’s personal economies, businesses losses and bankruptcy and the fear of death are causing the rates of suicide to rise over 3000% during this false pretense “pandemic.”

Around 8 million people die from Cancer every year. Approximately 2 million die from the AIDS virus every year. Approximately 9 Million die from addictions and a multitude of other diseases every year due to and caused directly or indirectly by the actions of the defendants: Allopathic Medicine (AMA, CDC, pharmaceutical companies and HEALTH DEPARTMENTS), Big Oil, Chemical Companies, and the Genetically Modified Organics Food industry, etc. They willfully conspire to suppress the truth (and destroy any competition to them) about the true cause of all diseases which is the overloading of the human body with unnatural and harmful elements that prevents the body’s immune system from doing its job – to cure us of all diseases.

The American Cancer Society (“ACS”) has a shared ownership of the patent on a major chemotherapy drug with a pharmaceutical company. Some of its Board Members have concurrently worked at Herbicide and fertilizer manufacturers (known carcinogens and cancer causing chemicals), cancer drug companies, and chemotherapy drug companies. They are known to collude and collaborate with the National Cancer Institute (“NCI”) and the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”). In 1998 the American Cancer Society (“ACS”) was caught spending close to $1 Million on political lobbying, a violation of its legal status as a nonprofit charity. It has been found to spend only about 16 percent of its funds on cancer services, of which over 6% was spent on salaries and fringe benefits, while hoarding over $1 billion dollars in its cash reserves. They are profiting off of “disease exploitation” and “disease racketeering” in this perpetual cancer enterprise.

The ACS acts aggressively to prevent the investigation of alternative treatments. In their handbook “Reach to Recovery” they tell their volunteers to “always maintain a positive attitude toward conventional treatment methods,” while cautioning them not to “promote unconventional therapies.”

The FDA has been exposed repeatedly in conflicts of interest. Agency commissioners and officials have worked for or come from working for the industries they are supposed to regulate. They’ve been charged with corruption, bribery, harassment, ownership of stock in drug companies and going easy on drug companies – but persecuting and being extremely condemning of natural practitioners and their products. The FDA has not approved of one nontoxic natural remedy or patent from the naturopathic industry. They obstruct unconventional treatments from being tested.

The AMA, et al., have willfully destroyed their (Allopathic Medicine) competition and coerced, intimidated and bought influence of our congresses to enact laws that prohibit and abridge freedom of speech such as making it illegal to declare or claim that natural products cure, or that natural products are better than unnatural cures. They’ve had laws enacted in their favor to exclude their competition by making it “illegal” to prescribe, diagnose or cure anyone unless you have a medical license. They make it illegal to advertise or claim anything other than what is approved by allopathic medicine. This is conspiracy, fraud, legislated monopoly and restraint of trade enforced by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

In 1912, congress passed the “Sherley Amendment” that criminalized fraudulent and misleading claims of efficacy. In 1938 they required proof of safety and in 1962 added proof of efficacy. This is being used against the unconventional, the unorthodox natural medicine (naturopathic) industry and in favor of the monopolistic allopathic medicine industry. This and other laws are being misapplied and used to harass, suppress and convict the naturopathic industry and promote and perpetuate a monopoly (allopathic medicine) it’s practices, dogmas, products and services. These so-called acts, laws, codes, statutes, etc are in violation to the original Constitution in multiple ways and especially with regards to the preamble of the original Constitution which states that the Constitution was ordain to “promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of Liberty.” These laws are in essence being applied against nature that God created. Its equivalent is saying that God’s nature does not know what she’s doing. It’s allowing the false pretense that something unnatural is better for the natural body than something that is natural. The misapplying of this law against natural medicine defies God and the nature that He created; it defies logic, defies reason and is therefore unjustifiable to continue to be enforced as it currently stands. This is legislated criminality and repugnant to liberty and to the original Constitution.

The misapplying of this law, the “Sherley Amendment” and others against truth, against God’s nature, against the rights and liberties set forth in the original Constitution constitutes willful criminal acts by the Defendants against the people including but not limited to fraud, collusion, aiding, abetting, conspiracy, and racketeering.

The Defendants have influenced lawmakers to enforce laws that put down, crush, suppress and destroy natural solutions, natural remedies, natural products and natural services. They have passed laws that only allow them to cure disease. They’ve conspired, colluded and collaborated with the FDA, the FTC, the AMA, the CDC, Big Pharma and others to have people put in prison, destroyed businesses and livelihoods and have had many people murdered to cover up their conspiracies, racketeering, exploitation and secret agendas for money and power.

The AMA has “pulled” or “revoked” the licenses of honest doctors and others in the allopathic industry who’ve tried to talk against or practice outside of the doctrines, dogmas or practices of allopathic medicine.

The AMA et al. have been convicted at least 3 times in the 20th Century for antitrust violations for conspiracy and restraint of trade and are continuing to and are aided and abetted by other defendants in this complaint to continue on in this behavior.

The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has suspended Liberty without due process and has done it by false pretense. They imply their authority is granted them under the Constitution for the United States, but operate, function and enforce their authority with their Corporate Bylaws. This is fraud and treason. They have committed other acts of fraud to incite fear in the public, using the media and other forms of communication (wire fraud) in an intentional false pretense and artificially hyped-up “emergency” i.e.: pandemic, for a secret undisclosed scheme which is contrary to their stated intentions.

The Defendants have fraudulently hyped up a “common flu virus” into a “plague” or “pandemic” with the intent of racketeering and ponzi schemes to directly bilk the public and to pay their investors from these public funds as well as from government/tax payer funds.

On, March 24th 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) issued a “Guidance” order to Hospitals and Doctors to list COVID-19 as a cause of death regardless of whether or not there’s actual testing to confirm that’s the case and Doctors are being paid for every cause of death they record as being related to COVID-19. This is a false pretense order that is willfully deceptive and is causing Doctors and Hospitals to aid the CDC to commit fraud. There are also other nefarious objectives including but not limited to racketeering, in this COVID 19 pandemic, to be uncovered and added after discovery is performed.

The Defendants have designed and engineered a “pandemic.” They’ve used money, influence; collusion and coercion to push lawmakers to pass laws that enforce and promote a trade association (American Medical Association/Allopathic) as the only government authorized system of heath care. They’ve deceived the public into believing distorted facts and false narratives thus endangering the entire world by promoting, promulgating and perpetuating their false narratives. They’ve coerced government officials and the mainstream media into enforcing, mandating and promoting this false narrative for their ulterior objectives and end goals. They’ve coerced government officials to limit or close businesses, schools and so-called “non-essential services,” as well as mandating “Face Masks,” “Social Distancing,” quarantining and testing services.

The Defendants have conspired against the entire natural health industry – to keep natural cures from us – to the detriment of our health – which has directly and indirectly caused the death of millions of people!

The Defendants have conspired to keep hidden the cause of all diseases. Their products and services are contributing to the creation, maintenance and perpetuation of all diseases. Their philosophies, practices, products, bi-products, services and dogmas are the highest factor in the cause of over 48 Million deaths on average in the world, every year. They conspire and work to suppress the true cure and best prevention of ALL diseases!

The Defendants have conspired to defraud an entire nation by collecting donations for research to discover cures for diseases – yet willfully act and continue to act against the disclosure or discovery of cures – which behavior is very well documented, including being convicted of conspiracy on many occasions.

The Defendants either don’t test natural products and services or they change or manipulate the testing protocols in various ways so that they are guaranteed to fail said tests. In other words they rig tests of natural products and or services to fail in order to defraud the public in order to discredit alternative approaches or the naturopathic industry in order to continue their racketeering and monolithic profiteering monopoly.

The Defendants have defrauded an entire nation (and World) by claiming that their research regarding the safety or efficaciousness of a product is based on “science” or “clinical studies” or “peer reviewed” and fail to disclose that all studies are done internally by allopathic investigators that work for them or externally subcontracted by them. The word that has become well known to typify this type of behavior is “biostitute.” Urban Dictionary definition of Biostitute: A biological science worker who misrepresents research or commits fraud for the benefit of commercial interests or to make a personal profit. To put it plainly- any study, research, or investigations are initiated and the favorable outcomes purchased and prearranged beforehand and guaranteed to be in favor of the commercial allopathic interest which constitutes willful intent to defraud, conspiracy and racketeering.

The Defendant’s actions are causing and have caused bad health, injury, disease, addiction, misery, suffering, attempted suicide, suicide and the death of millions of people and their loved ones.

The Defendant’s actions have caused the financial destruction of millions of people’s livelihoods in the wake of this so-called “pandemic,” and mandated quarantines, shut downs; lock downs and their fraudulent narratives! 70% of all bankruptcies are due to medical debt.

The Defendants either manufacture, distribute, sell or prescribe vaccines that contain Thimerosal (Mercury), the second most toxic substance to humans.

The Defendants either manufacture, distribute, sell or prescribe the new COVID-19 type of vaccines that contain Messenger RNA (mRNA) that directly or indirectly causes or induces (injection of a recipe) the modification of the recipient’s DNA. This is eugenics experimentation that is against the Nuremberg Code widely accepted by the world after World War II stating that voluntary consent is absolutely essential, and freedom of choice without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion.

The Defendants either manufacture, distribute, sell or prescribe unnatural synthetic “drugs,” that are full of toxins – hazards to the human body.

The Defendants, the Genetically Modified Organics (GMO) food industry, et al. produce food products, seeds etc. which contain pesticides i.e.: carcinogens (poisons) that are hazards to the human body. They are also “genetically modified” which is detrimental to DNA, hormone receptors and are causing side effects such as gender issues, anxiety, depression, mental health issues and other serious consequences to the health and well being of the human body. By the age of 5, children eating GMO’s have ingested more than 50% of a lifetime safety limit of poison.

The Defendant’s willful actions have resulted in a multitude of consequences including but not limited to the following: Personal death, poor health, fear, anxiety, depression, seizures, autism, psychosis, being intimidated and manipulated, hysteria, suicide; destruction of personal, national and world wide economies, bankruptcy, destruction of livelihoods, and the toxic harmful effects of synthetic chemicals (drugs) and vaccines that people are experiencing as a result of ingesting or being injected with these unnatural substances.

The Defendants, allopathic medicine, are injecting toxins into the public that they knowingly know are harmful and even fatal. They knowingly know that vaccines have been proven to cause major diseases and conditions that are not only life altering and destructive to the public’s health but also destructive to their personal economies. 70% of ALL bankruptcies filed – are due to medical related expenses. This constitutes fraud, health endangerment, disease exploitation and disease racketeering.

The Defendants are violating their oath to “Do no Harm.” True Medicine does not kill; True medicine does no harm. Doctors are required by the leaders of allopathic medicine to take and abide by the Hippocratic Oath (Do no Harm) to obtain/retain their licenses – yet drugs, unnatural chemicals, heavy metals and poisons, vaccines and radiation therapies cause them to harm people and violate this oath.

The Defendants have and are causing death and injury (harm) by Vaccinations: Hundreds of Millions of people. Deaths by vaccinations: Millions of people. Vaccine caused diseases include (but not limited to): Smallpox (Epidemics), leprosy, syphilis, tuberculosis, cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, autism (epidemic), erysipelas, gangrene, septicemia, gulf war syndrome, diarrhea, convulsions, seizures, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, spastic quadriplegia, shaken baby syndrome (SBS), munchausen’s syndrom by proxy (MSP), cot-death (SIDS), guillaine-barre syndrome (GBS), meningitis, polio, acute flassid paralysis, transverse myelitis (TM), encephalitis, encephalopathy, spanish flu, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE), vomiting, measles inclusion body encephalitis (MIBE), polyneuropathy, serious brain damage, diabetes, arthritis, pancreatitis, fever, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, wegener’s granulomatosis, multiple sclerosis (MS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS,ME) fibromyalgia, mitochondrial disorder, hearing & vision problems (Otis Medea, Optic neuritis, Blindness, Deafness), macrophasciitis (MMF), behavioral and learning problems, criminality, hair loss, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD, crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis), intussusception, asthma (epidemic), down’s syndrome, allergies, peanut allergy, eczema, tics, apnea, cysts, warts, erythema multiforme, scleroderma, bell’s palsy, bullous pemphigoid (BP), dermatomyositis, neurodermatitus, dyslexia, hyperactivity, coma, myocarditis, cardiac arrest (heart attack), vasculitis, anaphylaxis, hemolytic anemia, graves disease, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), sterility, miscarriage, fetal death, birth defects.

The Defendants have and are causing death and injury (harm) by Vaccinations: Vaccine Ingredients include: 2-phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), Adjuvant 65, Aborted fetal DNA, Alcohols, Aluminium, Bovine DNA, Chicken DNA, Canine & Monkey kidney cells, Freund’s (FCA, emulsion ), Formaldehyde, Gelatin, Glycerine, Human Cancer Tumors, Mercury (Thimerosal), Monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL, ASO4), MF59, MSG, Nagalase, Nano particles, Antibiotics (Neomycin, Streptomycin), Peanut oil, Phenol, Polymyxin B, Polysorbate 80, QS-2, Sodium borate, Sodium deoxycholate, Squalene, Triton X-100, Tween 80, Animal and Human viruses. The new type of vaccines; “COVID-19 vaccines” contain mRNA and nano particles.

The Defendants have and are causing death and injury (harm) by Vaccinations: Contaminants & covert ingredients include: Arsenic, Tin, Lead, Cyanide, SV40 (a cancer causing Monkey Virus), Enzyme inhibitors, Staphylococcus aureus bacterium, Chicken leukosis virus, Duck, dog, and rabbit viruses, Avian leucosis virus, Pestivirus, Nanobacteria, Acanthamoeba, Simian Cytomegalovirus, Simian foamy virus, Bird-cancer viruses, Mycoplasma, Nanobots.

The Defendants have and are causing death and injury (harm) by Vaccination: It is a known fact that vaccinations do far more harm than good. Allopathic medicine has caused far more deaths and disease than any other cause of disease. Vaccines spread death and disease and create vast profits for (allopathic medicine) the AMA (American Medical Association), the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and Big Pharma (Pharmaceutical industry). If profit is the motivator behind the vaccine industry, then this is sociopathic and or psychopathic behavior. And if the AMA, the CDC and Big Pharma (Allopathic Medicine industry) knowingly are conspiring to deceive potential victims into buying theses vaccines, under the guise of being “medicine,” then this constitutes conspiracy, fraud, racketeering, attempted murder, injury and murder (genocide).

The Defendants have and continue to maintain the concealment of their fraud, deceit, exploitation and “disease racketeering” with the aid and abetting of and by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, the mainstream media and large internet platforms such as Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others.

The Defendants have and continue to aid and abet and censor and suppress the truth about the dangerous and often deadly side effects of vaccines. The public in general is not aware of the fact (because the truth is censored and suppressed) that the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was created as the only way that someone who is injured from receiving a vaccine is able to obtain potential compensation. The government passed a law in 1986 that granted pharmaceutical companies “legal immunity” from lawsuits or from being sued as a result from vaccine injuries. This is blatant corruption of our so-called legal system. This is legalized “racketeering.” This is willful intent by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT; the FOREIGN CORPORATION A.K.A. THE UNITED STATES to protect a monopoly in the ongoing injury of millions of people.

The fact that since 2016 this “buffer” program (NVICP) has compensated over $4.6 BILLION to injured vaccine recipients and that only 1% is actually reported, and that these facts have not been widely broadcast to We the People; but have and are being intentionally suppressed, are crimes against all people by the Defendants! It’s also crimes of: withholding information, fraud, obstruction of justice, obstruction of the truth, obstruction of the press as well as collusion, conspiracy, aiding and abetting of a false pretense for disease profiteering, extortion and racketeering. It’s knowingly subjecting people to harmful elements that cause injury and then willfully suppressing this information to continue on in this criminal enterprise. It’s also repugnant to the original Constitution and aiding and abetting and perpetuating an ongoing conspiracy against the people’s welfare.

The following is the official summary by VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Service) of 1% of the money compensated to those who were injured by receiving a vaccine. We intend to discover why the actual amount of compensation to vaccine injured recipients, which is more likely over $460 Billion, has not been widely broadcast to the world. The defendants will be held accountable for their crimes against the people.

There is evidence that allopathic medicine and other defendants have created a vaccine containing a type of nano particles microchip. They have and are attempting to mandate this vaccine to everyone in the world in the name of “safety.” This is willful intent to defraud. This is willful intent to cause injury. This is willful intent to destroy liberty. This is willful intent to supersede the unalienable rights and Liberty that are guaranteed by the original Constitution. We intend to discover and expose the secret hidden agenda behind this plan and prosecute the Defendants accordingly.

There is evidence that the Defendants are hiding and or suppressing the health hazards of 5G in and of itself as well as the health hazards that vaccines compound inside of the human body when being subjected to 5G High Microwave Frequencies. There is evidence that there is a genocidal motivation behind injecting everyone on the planet with the COVID-19 vaccine including how 5G plays a role in this evil plan. All agendas by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and the other Defendants will be exposed during discovery; and with the testimonies and evidences brought forth by Whistleblowers.

This entire so-called COVID-19 “pandemic,” the mandating, the quarantining, shut-downs, lock-downs, mask mandates, the threats, intimidations and enforcing of this “color of law” is repugnant to Liberty and all are violations of the original Constitution and the unalienable rights of ALL of the people; by the Defendants.

They, the Defendants, the Genetically Modified Organics (GMO) food industry et al., create seeds that are genetically modified to withstand glyphosate and other pesticides that are known carcinogens to the human body. Theses pesticides become systemic, meaning they become a part of the plant (cannot be washed off). These carcinogens (pesticides) are poisons and are harmful and toxic to the human body. They also have the potential to compromise or cause mutations to human DNA with the resulting effects of gender problems, reproductive problems, organ problems, psychological and a multitude of other physical problems.

They, the Defendants, the Genetically Modified Organics (GMO) food industry et al., knowingly know the following: Excerpts are from an article written by Melissa Diane Smith in the Natural Grocers October 2017 edition of good4u Health Hotline Magazine. [Quote] “Independent research is finding troubling links between glyphosate (an active ingredient in Monsanto’s (Bayer) weed killer Roundup –an herbicide) and a growing number of diseases, including cancer…Glyphosate herbicide isn’t just sprayed on crops – it is absorbed by plants and becomes systemic…FDA-registered laboratory food testing has found extremely high levels of glyphosate in some of America’s most iconic food products…In 2015, leading cancer experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the research arm of the World Health Organization, assessed evidence from human, animal, and cell studies and declared glyphosate a probable human carcinogen…In a 2014 study, scientists found that chronically ill humans had significantly higher glyphosate residues in urine than healthy humans. Researchers believe glyphosate may damage health in a number of ways. First it may act as a hormone, or endocrine disruptor, a chemical that interferes with the normal functioning of the endocrine system…Epidemiological studies have linked endocrine disruptors to reproductive changes, neuro-behavioral and neuro-developmental changes, metabolic syndrome, bone disorders, immune disorders and cancers in humans. Animal studies have also linked them to infertility, asthma, learning and behavioral problems, early puberty, obesity and Parkinson’s’ disease…tumors, reproductive problems, birth defects, and kidney and liver damage”. [End Quote]

They, the Defendants, the Genetically Modified Organics (GMO) food industry et al., knowingly know that people are ingesting harmful carcinogens when they eat GMO foods. They knowingly know that the genetically modified organisms that are consumed by people could result in hazards to their genes, DNA and their health and welfare. They, the Defendants, the Genetically Modified Organics (GMO) food industry et al., have threatened and intimidated Farmers and others to buy their seeds and their pesticides. They have initiated hundreds of lawsuits against farmers that would not comply with their demands, and have succeeded in destroying many of their livelihoods. This is conspiracy and restraint’s of trade aided and abetted by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.

They, the Pharmaceutical Industry create patented synthetic drugs for profit. Drugs are concentrated derivatives of natural elements (such as oil)! They are unnatural! They are man-formulated chemical compounds. This is why they can be patented and sold for outrageous amounts of money. They are not balanced by nature – which is why they have side-effects. They and other Defendants are selling drugs to the public that they knowingly know are toxic to the human body and have mild to extreme side effects, even death as a result of ingesting or being injected with drugs. This is disease exploitation and disease racketeering, conspiracy, fraud and willful contributing to the injury and death of millions of people.

Quote from Shane Ellison M.Sc. (Former pharmaceutical chemist) Book: Health Myths Exposed: How Western Medicine Undermines Your Health. “In addition to hospitalizing 2.2 million people every year, and/or eliciting a lifetime of servitude, ADR’s (Adverse Drug Reactions) can also lead to death. In an attempt to calculate the number of deaths caused by ADR’s, we look to the most authoritative medical journal in the world, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Entitled ‘Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients’, this study was a meta-analysis of several studies over the last 32 years. This in-depth study concluded that there are an estimated 76,000-106,000 hospital deaths each year caused by ADR’s…this statistic alone ranks ADR’s somewhere between the fourth and sixth leading cause of deaths outside of the hospital. One hundred and six thousand deaths per year equates to one individual dying every five minutes from an “approved” drug. These deaths far outnumber those caused by auto accidents, AIDS, alcohol, illicit drug use, infectious diseases, diabetes, and murder combined. If this trend continues over the next ten years, FDA-approved drugs will kill an estimated one million people annually. End Quote. . This is disease exploitation and disease racketeering, conspiracy, fraud and willful contributing to the injury and death of millions of people.

Every year there are around 8 Million deaths due to cancer alone! Every one of these people’s loved ones deserves to know that their deaths could have been prevented by natural cures. But, natural cures are “against the law” of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. It doesn’t matter if they work, if they actually can cure cancer. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has in effect outlawed God’s natural cures and is aiding and abetting the dogma that man-made so-called “cures” are superior to God’s natural cures. The liability for the pain, suffering, loss of wealth, income and the death of millions rests completely on the shoulders of the conspirators, the “Leadership of Allopathic Medicine,” and their co-conspirators, who for over 100 years have been suppressing this information. This is a complete violation of the original Constitution and a conspiracy against the health and welfare of the people and liberty. This is disease exploitation and disease racketeering, conspiracy, fraud and willfully contributing to the injury and death of millions of people.

Cancer is another racketeering business by the Defendants. It earns Allopathic Medicine hundreds of billions of dollars every year. In his well documented book by Kenny Ausubel titled “When Healing Becomes a Crime,” (Several quotes from his book below ) he relates many convictions against Allopathic Medicine for conspiracy – in many cases: against allopathic medicine, for collusion and price fixing, in a “conspiracy to destroy and eliminate” the chiropractic profession, for trying to destroy an autonomous doctor’s group applying cost-cutting health delivery and insurance in Washington, D.C., and many more. This is a complete violation of the original Constitution and a conspiracy against the health and welfare of the people and liberty. This is disease exploitation and disease racketeering, conspiracy, fraud and willful contributing to the injury and death of millions of people.

“In a report by “Cancer Prevention News” it stated “there is overwhelming evidence that the dramatic increase in cancer rates is linked to increased chemical production over the last century. Annual production rates for synthetic, carcinogenic, and other industrial chemicals increased from one billion pounds in 1940 to more than 500 billion pounds annually during the 1980s. The evidence that chemicals cause cancer comes from animal and human tests. Over 75,000 such chemicals are now in use, and the chemical industry introduces between 1,000 and 2,000 new ones each year. A scant 3 percent have been tested for safety, and over forty such chemicals are recognized human carcinogens. The report found strong grounds for linking the spike in breast cancer rates with increased levels of pesticides and other industrial pollutants such as DDT, chlordane, and PCBs. Over fifty carcinogenic pesticides are used on major crops, and residues of just twenty-eight of these have been directly associated with over 20,000 cancer deaths every year in the United States. Recent tests of twenty-seven kinds of domestically grown foods in the United States cited seven fruits and vegetables-apples, grapes, green beans, peaches, pears, spinach, and winter squash-as having toxicity at hundreds of times than the other foods analyzed. By age five, most children eat foods containing half a lifetime’s limit of known carcinogens. It is a formidable irony that the National Cancer Institute advises the public to eat five servings a day of fresh fruits and vegetables as a cancer-preventative diet, while failing to note the presence of carcinogenic agrochemicals contaminating them.” This is a complete violation of the original Constitution and a conspiracy by the chemical industry (Defendants, et al.) against the health and welfare of the people. This constitutes the willful contributing to the injury and death of millions of people.

The National cancer Institute makes claims such as “We’re winning the War on Cancer,” yet statistics show there’s more than a 10% Increase in deaths due to Cancer since 1950. Allopathic medicine uses surgery, radiation and chemotherapy as the standard treatments for cancer, yet in just a 3 month period, from January 1st to May 18th, 2020 there were 3,114,932 Deaths from Cancer. Their statement above is a fraudulent statement. The fact is they knowingly know that there are cures for Cancer yet have aggressively worked against true cures for Cancer and other diseases for over 100 years.

In his book, “When Healing Becomes a Crime” by Kenny Ausubel, categorically provides well documented proof that The American Medical Associated and others conspire and have conspired to destroy natural medicine and their practitioners. They’ve conspired with legislators to pass laws that have effectively destroyed free speech with regards to medicine. They’ve conspired with our government and their agencies to police and prosecute violators of the American Medical Association’s dogmas, doctrine and practices. The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and their agencies enforcing these “corporate” laws are acting in direct violation to the first amendment to the original Constitution for the United States. This is a complete violation of the original Constitution and a conspiracy against the health and welfare of the people and liberty. This is disease exploitation and disease racketeering, conspiracy, fraud, restraint of trade and willful contributing to the injury and death of millions of people.

The AMA bribed, coerced, colluded and conspired with the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to make it illegal to prescribe “medicine” without a license from the American Medical Association (a Private Trade Association). They’ve also made it illegal to claim a cure for anything. According to FEDERAL LAWS only Medical Doctors (“science”) can “treat” you; nobody can “cure” you. This is effectively saying that cause and effect and natural elements are “quackery.” This is anti-nature and anti-God and anti-Constitutional law. Allopathic Medicine is willfully participating in Disease Exploitation, Profiteering, Racketeering and Sorcery (pharmakeia) than real science (God’s natural laws) and all defendants are participating in this on-going conspiracy against the health and welfare of the people and liberty. They will be prosecuted, judged and sentenced to the fullest extent at the Constitutional Convention & Court.

Part B: Related to our Monetary System
They, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT have violated liberty and the welfare of the people and the planet and the original Constitution by legislating for and aiding and abetting a “Government sanctioned” “monopoly!”

They, the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT passed the Act of 1871 which formed a foreign corporation called “THE UNITED STATES” and created a secret constitution for their corporation called the “CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.” The original constitution was written “The Constitution for the United states of America”. They supplanted our Constitutional Government for a CORPORATION which has been masquerading as our government ever since.

Over the next 42 years after 1871, they built up their secret “FEDERAL STATE of jurisdiction” or FOREIGN CORPORATION A.K.A THE UNITED STATES A.K.A. the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. They subjected us to their BYLAWS and system of CODES and statutes and in 1913 the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT “passed” the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, creating the Federal Reserve Bank (a privately owned/controlled bank). They, the UNITED STATES; the FOREIGN CORPORATION masquerading as our government had now “granted” full control of the entire monetary system to their co-conspirators i.e.: the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK.

Then in 1933, THE UNITED STATES went “bankrupt” (although they don’t call it that). As the run on banks began (people rushing in to pull money out of their accounts before their bank failed), the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK stepped in to “help” the banks with the cash they needed to survive. For pennies on the dollar, they gained control of all the banks. And in exchange for “saving” everyone, all the Gold was confiscated, banks were shut down for 1 week, and each and every person now became the collateral of this gigantic debt. Money was no longer backed by gold or silver, but by a “promise to pay” perpetual “debt instrument” system; to pay back the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK. This FEDERAL CORPORATION, co-conspirators of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, enslaved the people and their children into perpetual servitude, for the rest of their lives, working to pay back a debt that can never be paid back.

This system of “debt” and “discharge” is backed up only by “perceived value.” The value is that we will “Pay” (work) or “discharge” the debt we “owe” them! This “debt” or so-called “money” will never be able to be “paid” back to them because there’s nothing of “value” being exchanged. The “money” we currently use are just “debt discharging instruments” that don’t “pay for” anything – they only “discharge” the debts we owe. They make money (interest) on any bank loan or on any exchange of foreign currency. They’ve bilked everyone in the “FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM” since 1913 for trillions of dollars. This constitutes fraud and treason against We the People and the Constitution for the United States of America.

There is evidence that they have designs to implement a mandatory global digital currency, based on nano particles microchip (as listed earlier) that would create a higher level of monopoly and control the world has never seen.

The trillions of “dollars” they have stolen from the people are incalculable and they will bear the lion share of financial responsibility in this law suit.

The actions by the Defendants listed in this “Part B Related to our Monetary System” constitute treason, fraud, theft and conspiracy against the Constitution for the United States of America and We the People.

End Of Part Two Text - Thanks !

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

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