Doc Malik interviews Dr. Paul Alexander on the causes of #ExcessMortality during Covid

1 year ago

A snapshot/summary of the first 15 minutes or so of the Dr. Alexander interview. In it Dr. Alexander suggests:

1. This was not a pandemic
2. The data now shows that overall Covid killed approximately half of the seasonal flu
3. The bulk of Covid deaths were in the over 80's. Covid did not kill healthy children
4. Four factors were the main drivers of the deaths;
a. Over cycling in the PCR tests - 95 % of the test were false positives
b. The delay and denial of treatments for other non-Covid conditions
c. The 'vaccines' - killed many thousands of people
d. Medical mismanagement

#Democide. Our governments killed us.

FULL INTERVIEW: The One And Only - Dr Paul Alexander

Dr Ahmad Malik:
X @DocAhmadMalik

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