Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

1 year ago

Real talk: it’s a roller coaster of a e-motions (energy in motion) to ride when going through the layers of unraveling from narcistic abuse.

Aches in the body
Dissociative addictions
Gratitude for making it
Joy for the awareness
Motivated to change
Inspirational creative flows
And then back on the roller coaster

I imagine things will calm as I all the e-motions to move through me, and right now it feels as if the ocean is not big enough to hold all that’s in me… and that if someone were to witness me in the fully glory of my e-motional expression, I wonder if they could witness me without judgment.

Ready or not, I’m here.

Step into the circle of your own truth and love yourself into your Soul’s authentic expression.

Soul Much Love starts January 11

Limited to 8 participants, application required.


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