Diving deeper into mkultra smear campaigns and the mirror image attempting to reverse responsibility

1 year ago

A smear campaign is used to further a false narrative that handlers have been wronged to undermine the handlee's credibility and reputation with unverifiable rumors, distortions and outright lies. It is a classic mk ultra tactic that is meant to reverse the reality and to create a false image about a handlee breaking free from their mk ultra programming. It brings in the relationship that is collapsing the points of views of others which are participating to the attempt to invalidate the emotions and knowing of the handlee. Dark negative ET factions love to play on our wounded ego aspects. This is a high place of deflection. When someone leaves a cult-like environment after opening their eyes on what is really going on, everything is made to depict that person as unstable or negative.

All original sparks have been going through smear campaigns launched against them. They are designed to be making it hard on the psyche and to create psychological and emotional torture. They are about inverted reality being reinforced. Third party reinforcements are doing the bidding of their handlers, including dark alien groups. Beings holding together negative hive-mind spaces have a hard time with anyone having broken the mind control that was biding them to the hive. The matrix system blames you for placing boundaries. You are blamed for standing for yourself against abuse as a punishment. Smear campaigns actually are helpful in revealing hidden aspects (if you had not discovered them already). They quickly sort out who is who in your life and where it's not fruitful for you to invest your energy.

We are made to believe due to programming and false appearances our major mk ultra hostile handlers trully love us. They are programmed to believe they are your friends to. Without that, it would not really work. Breaking mk ultra programming takes time. It has its timing for each of us. It's a process where illusions are destroyed for only the truth to stay and stand.

I stand for freedom of the mind. I quickly discover the walls of the prison in my life and the lives of others. The more you grow aware of handling influences all around you, the more complex become your interactions with other original players. The more you elevate the more you are dealing with the shadow of others, their egos and their narcissistic tendencies. Always remember to command for all truth to be revealed. Communicate with spirit directly. The truth is not always what you are wishing to see but it's the necessary step towards more freedom.

Thank you for visiting.

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