'Blocking Alex Jones Truth from President Trump = Kelly Success', says Washington Post Knob Polisher

7 months ago

John Kelly's Appointment: A Potential Turning Point in the Trump Presidency?

The video explores differing perspectives among Trump supporters regarding John Kelly's appointment as a possible turning point in the Trump presidency. One faction views Kelly as a savior who will bring stability and signify a positive turning point. In contrast, another group perceives it as a betrayal, fearing Kelly might dilute Trump's sharp ideological edges, particularly his nationalism. The video also delves into the internal dynamics of the White House, described as a "snake pit," with a focus on the challenges faced by figures like HR McMaster amidst internal conflicts and leaks. It underscores the anticipation of whether Kelly can establish control and authority within the staff, highlighting the ongoing issues of backchannel communications and the influence of conspiracy theories. The interview leaves open the question of Kelly's ability to manage these challenges and the impact his role will have on the Trump administration.

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