Special Guest - Dr Melissa McCann & Gary Christian

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Dr Melissa McCann is the Queensland doctor who saw unacceptable numbers of vaccine injuries in her medical practice, and after being messed around by the TGA and Federal Government in general, decided to launch a class action in the Federal courts for those adversely affected by the vaccines. Linda, our resident nurse educator and Sheryl our resident lawyer, will interview this incredibly courageous and compassionate doctor. We will be exploring the legal fightback by Australians in light of class actions in other countries. This is the Fightback.
To Donate to this amazing cause use this link - https://www.nomoresilenceau.com/campaigns/covid-vaccine-class-action-injuries/

Gary Christian will also be doing a short presentation exploring more of the differences between the biblical Judeo Christian ethic and the alternate atheist 'ethic'.

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