Reading and reflecting... releasing and absorbing that which serves me... always.

8 months ago

Reading my journals and having to watch myself read my journals over when I am transferring them... or trying to figure out why something will just not upload... I have really been able to reflect on the many layers that are woven into the words I have written... sometimes even though I did not know what I was saying... its automatic speech. Something that I figured was a given outcome from serious work with a pendulum. The practice and study of pendulums... and the experiments I explored with pendulums came to an end when I realized that I no longer needed the pendulum... I already knew what it would say if I used it... I do not know how... but I just use it to excel in the other areas of my life that I am not so great in. Since the pendulum works with the interaction between your natural field (in my opinion)... its like a tap to your own conscience. What you know you should do if you were not influenced by the effects of the realm our body inhabits. Fear, shame, feelings that are not doing you any good... should be left with the old you. I do not mind enemies that are out in the open. Those are easy. The ones that pretend to care to get close are the worst. Yet in the end... as long as you dont die... you will be stronger and more aware that people like that are out there. I do not know why I felt like writing all that... but I have been slacking in my journals lately to be honest... and I have been channeling a bit of that into the comment sections of the videos I post... as they are... my thoughts after all... and are free to roam.

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