Katie Groves - Deep State Child Trafficking Survivor Speaks Out

1 year ago

For 17 years from the time she was around 5-years-old Katie Groves witnessed and perpetrated unimaginable horrors on a nearly daily basis. She is of German genetics and comes from a 'family' that practices intergenerational Satanism. Her 'family' worked for the CIA.

Below is the description Katie Groves posted beneath her 2018 video "TW: CIA Child Snuff Survivor Speaks Out":

In this video, I explain that I was born in Central Texas in 1996 into a CIA child snuff ring known as Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory, aka The Genocide Factory due to its participation in the systematic extermination of children of color that the United States military has been perpetrating for many, many years.

There, alongside many others, I suffered Hell on Earth and while I have escaped, my life is still in flames. Most people, including mental health professionals, are oblivious to the world in which we survivors live and react out of violence, not compassion, when confronted with the deepest aspects of human suffering. The cognitive dissonance is overwhelming for them, so they reject the victims with the crimes. And the crimes continue.

If you are a survivor, I applaud you for your strength and will to live. If you are an ally, I thank you from the deepest place in my heart. And if this information is new to you, or you have yet to open your heart, I ask of you only one thing: to look and have compassion. If millions of children have the strength to endure these horrors, then perhaps you at least have the strength to listen when one of us survives to speak about it.


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