The beliefs and values of the CCP and the U.S. are completely opposite!

6 months ago

11/30/2023 【Ava on Outside the Beltway @RealAmVoice】Ava Chen: The beliefs and values of the CCP and the U.S. are completely opposite! Every aspect of American life has come under attack from this evil totalitarian regime of the CCP!
#TaiwanPresidentialElection #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
11/30/2023 【Ava做客Outside the Beltway节目】莘7女孩:中共和美国的信仰和价值观完全是背道而驰的!美国人生活的方方面面都受到了中共这一邪恶极权政权的攻击!
#台湾选举 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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