Faith Over Fear - 11.28.23 - Turbo Cancers: Part III

1 year ago

This is Part III of the six-part series Dr. Vliet and Kathy Kresnik have created to explore NIH-sponsored research on the use of older FDA-approved medicines for other medical disorders that are being re-purposed as medicines to treat cancers, particularly the “Turbo Cancers” exploding in COVID-vaccinated people and not responding to traditional chemo and radiation therapies.

Our third program explores the quinoline derivatives, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine. Chlorquine was approved by the FDA in 1934 with it’s derivative hydroxychloroquine discovered soon after and both have been FDA-approved first as anti-malarial medicine and later as immune-modulating medicines approved to treat the autoimmune disorders rheumatoid arthritis, discoid lupus, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Both have been on the WHO list of “essential medicines” and used worldwide with an impressive safety record for nearly 65 years. CQ and HCQ were both discovered to have potent antiviral activity against SARS CoV-1 outbreak in 2002-2003, and published studies from NIH in 2005 described the antiviral actions of these medicines. It was a logical step to then consider using HCQ, the safer alternative to CQ, for SARS CoV-2 when the COVID illness hit in 2020. In addition, HCQ has been used as an anti-diabetes medicine for more than 40 years, in the US and other countries, and it has been undergoing clinical trials in the US and other countries as an anti-cancer medicine because of it’s many properties that inhibit tumor growth and spread.

“Turbo Cancer,” the name coined by Canadian clinical and research Oncologist Dr. William Makis, refers to rapid-onset, aggressive, fast-growing cancers rising dramatically worldwide since the roll-out of the experimental COVID injections, and hitting younger, healthier people than we have ever seen before. Tragically, these aggressive “turbo cancers” have not been responsive to our usual treaments. For COVID-vaccine induced turbo cancer patients, it is often a death sentence of a stage 4, rapidly spreading cancer with few options to help them. We must look to re-purposed older medicines for creative solutions to help them.

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