Kim Clement :: DS FALL part.2 ( INTRO )

9 months ago

Read simple description.
Matthew 24:5 & 26 (replace "Christ" with SAVIOR, as that is what Messiah means. "Christ" is a Greek term and HUGE misnomer!)
Devil in the details, as always.
Don't seek a savior in ANY human!

Revelation 17:12 DJT has surrounded himself with fake "jews",
or AshkeNAZI Khazarians. Genius? Strategy? Unavoidable? You decide. I only provide information, or fodder for thought. My the Holy Spirit grant us insight and/or provide us divine visions.

However, regardless and no matter what...
Daniel 2:21
Psalms 75:7

For those confused and scoffers, the admonition to obey those placed in authority only goes as far as laws and rules and orders that require or force disobedience to Yah/God. Anything and everything against his DIVINE (vs.manmade doctrines) LAW is an unnatural ABOMINATION, in Yah's eyes.
Our struggle is not with human beings, themselves alone, but much more so with the invisible powers of dark, negative influence, for ALL of us!

I suppose we must place those not so human and within realms of earthly positions of power, also. Those with virtually invisible "serpent" DNA.


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