Laboring to Enter into His Rest

5 months ago

Hello, I’m the Chair Man, and I’d like to talk to you today about “resting.”
Responsible parents teach their children to labor and enter into a rest of their own making. And the responsible among us grow up to do just that. We perform errands around the house, as children, to earn an allowance and buy candy or toys. In high school, we mow lawns or find baby-sitting jobs to buy new clothes or a car. Just to enter college, we may have to work one or more jobs paying for tuition, books, and room and board.
Then comes the real world with even greater responsibilities of our own. We progress through the corporate maze or strike out on our own to establish a new business. Family comes along and we’re stretched to provide for others that we love in ways we’ve never known before.
All the time it comes down to us. Each paycheck brings us closer to our places of rest…moments of recreation at the theater or stadium, eventually a second car, RV, or bass boat. And all the while, we’re laboring so hard to enter into OUR rest…the three-week vacation, retirement, cruises…and ultimately, the nursing home, if all goes well.
Does that about sum it up? Or does it seem like something very important and yet to be named…. something or Someone is still missing from this picture…YOUR picture.
That vague feeling you are experiencing has a name.
His name is Jesus Christ.
Our text verse, today, tells us NOT to labor to enter into our own rest, at least not spiritually, although, the Bible certainly does encourage us to work hard and well for our employers and to provide for our loved ones. The rest found in Hebrews 4:11 is a supernatural rest that we cannot earn from God, no matter how long or hard we may try. When we have worked until we are exhausted, trying to impress God and earn His forgiveness, or ignored Him for years wanting to prove ourselves capable of running our own lives without Jesus, we all, eventually, run up against circumstances that are larger than ourselves, and literally, sometimes, larger than life. Sometimes these trials make us turn to Christ. The wise among us do not wait until we are on our death beds. The foolish among us never make that choice.
But the “rest of God” is knowing His capacity to make you promises and keep them. Hundreds of those promises…promises that give you victory in life and beyond, no matter what you face here, are found in the pages of the Bible. It gives you strength to overcome through everyday life or unexpected challenges. It promises victory over sin, a new, clean identity in Him, power to declare His Word, and see hearts change and circumstances improve. It provides hope for today and a firm, certainty for eternity. Because He overcame death and was resurrected, that same promise is freely given to you and me when we embrace Him.
But you can’t have “the rest of God” until you have at least some of God. And that entry level, new identity comes with a new birth. You renounce your permanent residency in this World and become a citizen of Heaven. You reject darkness and accept light. You disown your old father, the father of lies, and ask to be adopted by a Heavenly Father, Who loves you so much that He gave His one and only, beloved, begotten Son, Jesus Christ to a world which He knew would mock, reject, beat, and crucify Him.
And you give Him the one thing He does not possess and greatly desires. Your heart.
Think about it. Why would any good Father be willing to make such a sacrifice? Why would Jesus be willing to become that sacrifice? The Bible says it was “for the joy set before Him,” and that joy…was you…and me…and all who would one day humble ourselves enough to give up our own labors of acceptance before Him and trust only in His completed Work.
That work which is done and cannot be Undone is the basis for us entering into His rest. It becomes a solid, unshakeable foundation for our lives which will stand forever. It is capable of making us stand.
So, once we enter into His Work (and not our own) we become qualified to enter into His rest, as well. That rest gives us the missing piece…a friend Who sticks closer than a brother and Who has promised never to leave us nor forsake us. That means He will never give us up to the enemy of our souls, the devil. Not once we have entered into His family and become sons and daughters of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected.
If you would like to enter into that rest and know, experientially, the love and protection of God for yourself, this is your invitation. That place of renewal for your spirit and rest for your soul is reserved for you and waiting on you to enter in by faith. He loves you more than I can say…and He is just a prayer away.
Repeat after me, won’t you?
“Heavenly Father, Thank you for loving me, and sending Jesus Christ, your Son, to die on the cross in my place. I confess now that all of my sins, past, present, and future are paid in full by His sacrifice. I believe I died with Him on that cross, and that you raised me up with Him to newness of eternal life when You raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Thank you for loving me, forgiving me and accepting me into Your family, and for making me into a new, totally acceptable creation. In Jesus’ Holy name, I pray. Amen.!/donation/checkout

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