It’s Gospel Season

10 months ago

Those who know me will testify that on my calendar there exist only three seasons, pre-season, football season, and post-season. Everything else is filler. I was “cheesehead” when “cheesehead” wasn’t cool. And some fans of lesser ball clubs think that is still the case. I will pray for them. LOL

Imbued with that fierce tradition of Vince Lombardi, the Superbowl, and winning being “the only thing,” I eventually came to the “post-conversion” conclusion that football is the perfect allegory for the only contest that ever really counts, the one for men’s souls.
The realization hit me, unexpectedly, like a Chargers’ lightning bolt out of the blue nearly 20 years ago. I was still a young Christian, and my “quiet place” with the Lord was the bathtub. In that place of total exposure, I had nothing to hide, and found myself most vulnerable and open to the voice of the Holy Spirit. As I dreamed that evening about gridiron stands packed with boisterous fans and scoreboards alit with “green and gold” glory, the Lord redirected my inner gaze to another playing field. You see, I had been asking of Him a simple request. “When I get to Heaven, Lord, I want to not only be able to run,” (something I had never been able to experience due to the effects of a brittle bone birth defect), “but, Lord, I want to catch a touchdown pass against the best Christian cornerback from the NFL.” Normally, the idea of any fall, even falling into the end zone with a football in my hands, would have terrified me. Virtually always, when I fall, I fracture; a fact that accounts for many of the 27 broken bones and surgeries I have overcome. But I knew that there, in Heaven, my body would be fixed, there would be no more pain or danger. And not even the fear of those things could enter into that place. (Rev. 21:8)

At that instant, the Holy Spirit revealed to me His Stadium, jam packed with the Saints of all ages (not merely those from New Orleans), cheering on Heaven’s Home Team. I was on that field, encompassed by that great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1). The game plan came from the Paradise playbook. Jesus was my quarterback, and I huddled with every living member of the Body of Christ. Working together, we were pushing back the forces of darkness, gaining hard-fought yardage, blocking blindside blitzes of evil, tackling oppression and depression, scoring salvations on every possession.

And then, eventually, I came across our text verse, and it all made sense to me. This is how we play. This is how we win. “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.” You see EVERY DAY for you and me is gospel season. Look out, devil. Here comes another Lambeau Leap.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for your precious promise that the gates of hell shall not prevail against your church, and that in Jesus’ Holy Name we have victory, Amen.
Timeline Sequences for “It’s Glory Season”
Screen One: @ :00 - :02
“The Opinions Channel Presents…
Thoughts from The Chair Man”
(Use two lines to include all copy. Black letters on white background…letters dissolve into next screen)
Screen Two: @ :03 - :04 “Today’s Thoughts on II Timothy 4:2”
(Black letters on white background…letters dissolve into next screen) (music provided runs under your opening screen shots until :05)
:05 - :09 Use A/I Video of The Chair Man talking
:10 - :18 Start using American Football scenes
:19 - :40 Use Green Bay Packer visuals (still shots or videos if you can find them)
:41 - :45 A shot of the Bible
:46 - :48 Use a Los Angeles Chargers (football team) lightning bolt logo…helmet etc.
:49 - :55 A man in a bathtub holding a Bible (A/I)
:56 - :59 A shot of the Bible
:60 – 1:03 A shot of a Dove wearing a football helmet (symbolizing Holy Spirit)
1:041:20 various football scenes…stadium…crowds…cheering etc.
1:211:26 An empty wheel chair
1:271:32 A football wide receiver catching a pass over an opposing defender
1:331:39 Football player scoring a touchdown and celebrating (video?)
1:401:47 Ambulance and hospital scenes
1:481:53 Heaven scenes
1:541:57 Bible Verse “Rev. 21:27(a) “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles…”
1:582:00 A stadium in Heaven (A/I)
2:012:05 New Orleans Saints (NFL team) football helmet
2:062:09 Heaven’s football team (on the field) Angels on the front line Jesus at Quarterback, people in white robes also on the team
2:102:12 Redeemed saints in the football stands cheering as we defeat the forces of darkness on the field
2:132:16 God is the football coach on the sidelines calling plays through his headset from the
2:172:21 Jesus and the team in glowing white uniforms on the field gathered in a huddle (a
small circle where the Quarterback tells his team what play to call)
2:262:35 (A/I still shots of football plays with the team in glowing white defeating the
demons’ team in 4 different quick views)
2:362:53 (Show our text verse…break into two screens if needed) II Timothy 4:2 “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”
2:542:47 (A football banner being held by two people in the football stands that reads “It’s Gospel Season. A/I)
2:583:01 (Lambeau Leap see link)
3:023:12 (Closing shot of The Chair Man in prayer)
3:133:17 (Jerry’s Standard Closing OPS Channel Logo Shot…do not use Michael Letts “Restoring Justice”)!/donation/checkout

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