Star Wars: Clone Wars - Turning a Speeder Bike into a Obi-wan jousting diorama

1 year ago

In general I love Sci-Fi, and I have been wanting to do this specific Star Wars model for a while.

I feel the scene in the image is one of the best scenes for ObiWan as a warrior (personal opinion) and the Clone Wars cartoon has some of the coolest and epic images of Star Wars.

The model I started with is an old Speeder Bike from ATM, that I built a long, long time ago. Back then, I didn't have access to the equipment and materials I have access today, so it was a crude output.

For the figure and lightsaber:
- Vallejo grey primer.
- Vallejo white primer.
- Tamiya clear blue.
- Tamiya black.
- Tamiya white.
- Tamiya gun metal.
- Tamiya titanium silver.
- Tamiya medium grey.

For the landscape:
- Vallejo pale sand
- Vallejo black
- Tamiya black
- Cardboard

For the head:
- Vallejo pale sand
- Vallejo clear red
- Vallejo red leather
- Vallejo black

1 Flexible LED filament

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