Israel in Latter Rain Prophecy

10 months ago

The birth of the Nation of Israel had a profound effect on both political and religious systems of the late 1940s and early 1950s. Many Pentecostals of the early 20th century had ties to British Israelism, and as the first wave of Pentecostalism transitioned into the second wave and the Voice of Healing and Latter Rain revivals merged to become the unified Post World War II healing Revival, revival sermons and literature frequently included the nation of Israel as “Biblical” confirmation.

When the “Voice of Healing” segment in W. E. Kidson’s Pentecostal Church, Incorporated magazine “Herald of Truth” transitioned to The Voice of Healing publication published by William Branham and edited by Gordon Lindsay, British Israelism became an integral part of the publications’ End-of-Day “prophetic” message. Lindsay was deeply involved with the British Israel organizations and spoke at conferences for the Anglo-Saxon Christian World Movement and Howard Rand and William Cameron’s Anglo-Saxon Federation.

Branham and Lindsay created charts and timelines based upon the charts and timelines common among British Israel converts. These timelines were often the result of “Christian Pyramidologist” lectures about the relationship between the Zodiac, the measurements of the inner chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza, and world history, which Branham referred to as the “Pyramid” and “Zodiac” Bibles.

You can learn this and more on

“Christian” Pyramidology:

British Israelism:

Gordon Lindsay:

Voice of Healing:

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