The best news in town

10 months ago

If there is to be a momentous shift in the human consciousness, that is, what we as the human being, the single known intelligent species alive here on earth, come to KNOW as a collective to be the truth about a range of issues, then we can advance our evolution, expand our understanding and awareness and go on to reach our full potential whether that be of creation or chance, depending on where you are at right now.
The origins of our species was an example of science being settled. First God. Then Charles Darwin. Both hotly disputed.
Imagine that this could be settled. That the whole world knew correctly, proven, convinced how we came to be and who created us?
And that's just for starters. Imagine knowing the reality of other intelligent lie in our universe.
Of the ability to remote view, telepathic communication, astral travel, space travel, fly, to self heal. To nourish naturally as part of the earth from where must have come part of and from in some way. Unless we were planted here.
What I have come to realise is that information is our currency. But collective awareness of this information is wealth.
Equally, bad information is counterfeit currency. And the world is flooded with that. Immediately some will shout at the 'conspiracy theorists' as being the problem, of course from an ignorant standpoint, but hanging their legitimacy on that. Only to realise that they have no real deep understanding of what they are arguing, preferring to comply rather compare. Perhaps and rightly deferring trust to authority, than ever doubt it let alone challenge it.
One way to understand where conspiracy theorists come from is that they look at the world as it is, noticing opportunities not taken advantage of, and of mistakes that continue to be made and wonder if it is by design, on purpose rather than by mistake or through a lack of knowledge. Nope. It can't be that.
The other day I asked someone when they remembered the last good thing our government had done for us in this country, as a New South Welshman.
And the answer was the Sydney Olympics. They were fantastic. No traffic. Great games. Well organised. A huge gift to the people. Some prestige and recognition for this famous city on the world stage.
Since then. 9/11 WMDs. Patriot act. Another unsolved false flag. SARS. Kevin Rudd followed by 6 changes of PM in 16 years. GFC. The Big Short. Sander. Clinton. Trump.
The great awakening.
The great reset.
The invisible war. The connection to God.
The deep rooted intuition mirrored by new communities emerging digitally. You are the digital soldier now.
Truth is the authority and authority is not the truth.
Brand names mean nothing in news. People do.
I think this 30 minute bulletin, which is the highlights of a larger 60 minute bulletin is about the best news you will get all day.
It explains giving a snapshot of events making news today and exposing the relative awareness of pertinent developments in the take down of those holding power to the detriment rather than the service of society. Local, national and global.
I maintain if this was the news the world saw today, like a friend of yours who only watches mainstream news, watched this instead, this might just get one more person to pay attention.
In Hebrew according to the Talmud, 'whoever saves one life, saves the world entire'.
I've done and will continue to do my bit. Looking for a few soldiers to like, comment and share.
Or else what is the point.

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