NAKWON: LAST PARADISE Gameplay First Look Zombie Looter Extraction Shooter Survival Multiplayer

1 year ago

This is my first hour and a half of NAKWON: LAST PARADISE from start to finish. I show off the tutorial and multiplayer gameplay. I go into PvE and PvP situations and show off the gameplay mechanics. This is just a playtest available on Steam and does not represent the final product. This game is being developed and published by MINTROCKET. This game has lots of potential but it just needs more development time. I found a few bugs which were super annoying and the gameplay felt kind of grindy.

NAKWON is a 3rd person view Zombie Apocalypse Stealth Survival game. Experience a new form of 'Post-Apocalypse Life' that you've never seen before. Explore Extraction Survival and gather resources from the PvPvE city, where Zombies and Survivors coexist to survive in this new societal structure.

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